Cale on that ✨Za Za✨

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Readers POV.

As the tboah Characters we're just chilling doing whatever and Og!Choi Han being emo again they were suddenly all teleported into a Wide Lavish room With a Large Screen as they all activated there mama if they had any as They were ready to attack but they soon heard a voice yelling "No Violence in my Universe please" They all looked towards the direction of the voice as they see a young boy with dark skin and Reading some sort of book? As Rasheel yells out "Who the fuck are you!?" The mothers or fathers there covered any child that was close to themselves Ears "Calm down my name is Theon And I'm the Demi-God Of Creation" Alberu put on his best scamming smile as he said "Well do you mind telling us why we're here?" "Oh right almost forgot You guys are here to react to an au or an Alternative Universe" most people just nod while others hesitate "just sit down on those chairs for me and I will be taking away any power you have for safety" some people just nodded as everyone even the commoners started to sit down "Look at the screen and call me if you need anything" as they watch Theon disappear they all looked back towards the Screen as they see The trash wearing a commander uniform.
[Girls And boys alike screaming in a fanboy girl type of way as they hear a 'Cale your so Awsome marry me!
Cale looked disgusted as he yelled back 'Shut the fuck up!' But they continued Fan boy girling]
Choi Han Screamed saying "Why the hell is he wearing that!?" "Ain't I say this was an alternative universe so please for the love of My ears not bursting shut up" Cale looked as confused as some people started whispering saying 'Why was he wearing that.. Is he not trash' something like that they looked back at the screen as the setting change as they see a horse licking Cale's hand
[cale spoke up saying 'Yeah that's right Lick it up that's the taste of success']
One of the Nobles/Commoners aka us readers said 'ohh I wish that was me' Cale looked even more confused as cage spoke up saying "That sounded really wrong at the beginning.." as some others agreed they looked back up at the screen as the setting changed again as they see cale on a rooftop Stairing at his hand that had blood on it
['Awh' Said Cale as he looked Disgusted]
"Is young master Cale A germaphobe in that alternative universe?" Said Ron as Theon spoke up "Well sort of I geuss" "What do you mean I geuss." Said Choi Han "Sheesh anger issues I'm a Demi god I'm still partly human and I've hardly reached of age to have my own World this place is a universe where all sorts of gods can come and go and since I still don't have my own world to watch over how would I know everything that's going on in that world?" Choi Han just stayed quiet as they looked back at the screen
[cale was just stairing at his Hands as he says 'No..' 'Blood on my hands..'
Cale pulls out a Hanker chief as he starts cleaning his hands as he says 'This is like exactly how hepatitis happens...Not cool']
A commoner kid spoke up saying "Mister what's Hepapotatoes?" "It's like a virus kid you get really really sick from it that you might even die" The Kid looked startled as eruhaben just says 'I've never heard of that before' they all looked back at the screen as the setting changes again as they see Rosalyn on the screen "Oh it seems me and Cale Know eachother in that au" "Seems so" said cale who was eating cookies with Two kids who had grey and red hair and some other kids too.
[rosalyn looks towards Cale as she says "But I can help too-" they see Cale Who's already flying threw the air]
They all turned to look at Og!Cale "What-?" Alberu smiles as he asks "Cale Ive never knew you had abilities Why haven't you told us it could be very useful in the war" "Ohh I don't know let me just go and ask my alternative Au And tap back to you" Cale said smiling they looked back at the screen while alberu was Suprised as he never Had been talked to like that the setting changed again as they see Rosalyn again
['Young master Cale I can't stop the bleeding' they see Cale walking over to her as he says
'No shit Sherlock I bet they don't make tampons thick enough for-.....' Cale finally noticed the guy bleeding almost to death]
"I am So sorry I have no idea wtf is wrong with other me but I'm sorry" said cale as Rosalyn just said "It's completely fine we don't know Anything about our other selves so it's not your fault" Choi Han looked mad as he said "Even in that world you still act like trash" Theon's voice can be heard again "Nigga sit yo ass tf down before I start chaining you to the chair" Choi Han hesitantly sits down on the chair as they looked back at the screen
['oh.. you meant him..' They see the half dead guy start talking 'Young master.. Agh.... Was I useful to the kingdom..' they see Cale Sarcastically laughing as he says 'Dude you like threw yourself right into Arm I'm going to be laughing at how Hard you fucked up for ages']
They see some guy in a black cloak Chuckling Choi Han got mad agin and said "CAL-" not even being able to finish chains immediately Rap Around Choi Han forcefully Keeping his mouth shut as the chains drag him back into his seat "How many times do I have to say this Choi the boy toy No fucking. Violence even toonka was able to just sit down without starting a fight you need to go see anger management for sure👴🏾🤚🏾" Cale didn't even notice anything as he was cleaning the food off of the kids faces erhuben just sighs "Aigoo this poor bastard" they look back at the screen
[.....'So yeah geuss you were pretty useful']
Setting changes again
The see Cale setting a tea cup down
['Wow this was a Great Tea party I just sat here and insulted all of you and nobody talked back']
They saw Un identified People sitting Down beside Cale as a commoner talks up saying "Who are the people beside The tras- I mean young master Cale" "Oh there Erhuben,Rasheel,Witira,Paseton,Litania, and Alberu" rasheels just yells out saying "HAH!? Why am I with that Human!?" Litania witira are just suprised while Alberu is still malfunction they looked back at the screen as the setting changed they see Cale And lock riding a Horse with Choi Han in the back
["Cale-Nim The Right Flank has been Entirely wiped out" Said Lock as Cale scoffed saying 'Hah fucking noobs'...Choi Han just looked shocked 'Also the Supply cart with all the booze was lost in the chaos' Cale suddenly looked dead 'this... this is truly a tragedy' ]
Bud yells out saying "Didn't your knights get wiped out but you still worry about the booze!?" As they all looked towards Cale Glenn smacks Bud in the back of the head "Stfu Bud How would youngmaster Cale Know anything about what happens in that world as he said before." Everyone looked back towards the screen again as they see Choi Han stairing at cale
[Choi Han spots black smoke in the air as he says 'A Black Flare!...Uh wha what's that mean again?'
Cale speaks up saying 'It means white Shi- no wait that's Red... it means an Abnormal Titan is heading towards us.']
Somebody speaks up again asking "Who's white shit?" A man in a cloak yells "It's White Star!" "Alright chicken poo poo" said Theon White star looked mad as the others were stairing at the screen as The Setting changed again they see Cale and other people in the forest riding a horse At fast speeds
['But it's true' said cale to a Mad Rosalyn 'You cheeky little fuck!if we survive this mission when we get back I'm sleeping with Choi han! I'm gonna fuck his brains out!' Choi Han looked confused 'oh Choi Han I order you to remain a Virgin!']
Cale spit out the water he was drinking as he was trying to hold back from laughing as he says "Choi Han I order you to remain a virgin what are we dating in that au or something" Cale wipes the water away from his mouth as Theon just says "Yes." Cale looked shocked as he said "Wait what-" "Moving onnnnn" Theon used chains and vines to force people to look at the screen While clouds Just Made any kid under 14 Look at the screen leaving Cale to question his existence the setting changes as they see Choi Han Who looked scared/Mad riding behind Cale
['Why are we running!?' Choi Han asked 'Because I. Said. So.' Cale replied in an annoyed tone 'So this is what you do!? Drop tail and Runaway like a little BITCH.' Said Choi Han who was frustrated]
Litania Looked Annoyed as she said "Sometimes it's the smarter choice to runaway." White star Whale Tiger elf and dark elf and many more times agreed
['Choi Han your only saying that cause I can't reach back there and pimp smack the shit. out of you.'
Said cale 'No. I was just saying I wasn't expecting my Hero to be a COWARD.' Cale looked back in a disgusted manner 'HEROS!? Kid wtf was I for you Like Batman!?' Yelled Cale 'YES.' Yelled Choi Han back cale yelled out a 'HAH-' ]
Cale clocked horrified as Choi Han got even more mad like bro take a chill pill
['Look Choi Han sometimes you gotta run I've been running from people all my life
The god of death
Debt collectors
Some guy named Barrow']
The guy in the cloak suddenly says again "Hm? Your able to runaway from the god of death" "Fuck you looking at me for" said Cale Cage speaks up saying "Ugh I hate that bitch of a god." Cale and the cloak guy say same at the same time as they look at eachother as the setting changes they look back at the screen as the see Cale wearing a mask with gloves and Whatever you call on his head as Choi Han was standing at the door
['Sorry- uh why are you wearing a diaper on your head?' Said Choi Han 'Rule number 1 Don't ever question me' said cale 'rule number 2 Shut the fuck up. Rule number 3 Where's your sanitary Head Scarf. Germs are everywhere they might even be living inside your own body' Suspenseful music starts playing but soon enough turns off 'Wich is why the squad Makes sure to clean every environment and drink plenty of high proof Liquor']
Cage and bud both stand up from there seats as they yell "High Proof liquor!? Where do we sign up!" Glenn and Taylor both say "Please sit down and shut up/Quiet down" "Sorry Taylor.." "But glennn-" bud suddenly gets slammed it the back of his head "Shut up. And watch." They look back at the screen
['Wow..' Said Choi Han 'What it's a Sanitizer' said a confused cale 'You really take this seriously don't you?' Said Choi Han 'I take everything. Seriously I'm Commander Godamn Cale. I Murder gods and Scrub the FUC- out of floors.'

To be continued

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