How You Found Out

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How You Found Out

My eyes widen to scene I am in upon waking up. Why am I naked? Why was Soushi naked next to me? I sit up trying to remember what happened about drinking wine and hearing him talk about Ririchiyo. Piece by piece the memories of last night return.

 I blush to the fact that he and I engaged such vulgar actions last night. I look at Soushi peacefully sleeping next to me. I lightly touch his messy soft hair thinking back to last night.

 The last thing I remember was him saying something to me, but I fell asleep before I could comprehend what he was trying to tell me.

 Such a moment, to able to wake up next to him and see him sleeping, had seemed hopeless just yesterday, but now I am actually experience it. My fingers reach out to brush against his long eyelashes. I stop when I hear his say something.

 “Ririchiyo,” he mumbles. There was no way I could have mistaken it because he mumbles her name yet again.

 Frantically, I get out of his bed and put on my clothes and run back into my room. After I close the door, I let myself collapse. The tears I held back when I heard him say her name starts to waterfall themselves from my eyes.

 The warmth I felt last night was a lie, and I was a replacement for the one in his heart. The several of times I heard him call out my name last night must have been a delusion I created while doing it with him drunk. No, he wasn’t the one to blame. I let this happen, so I should suck it up or else I won’t even be able to stand by him … as a friend…

 == Two Months Later ==  

 That night still haunts me. I couldn’t get it out of my mind, and to make it worse, I couldn’t proper and maturely respond to it.

 Soushi approached me after that night as if nothing happened not even secretly mentioning it. He didn’t even ask me to have wine with him in the evening anymore. So I let my emotions and hormones get the best of me. I started to ignore and avoid him.

 “What’s been going on with you and Soushi lately,” my SS agent asks.

 “Nothing,” I lie.

 “Really now. It doesn’t seem like nothing,” he says suspisciously.

 “If I say it’s nothing, then it is nothing. Know your place,” I say.

 He was about to refute me, but I dash away towards the restroom as I feel myself gag and something coming up my esophagus.

 I make it in time to throw-up in the restroom. I gag a few more times, but nothing was coming up. After feeling as though I wasn’t going throw-up again, I crumple next to the toilet hoping that my intuition was wrong. The odd symptoms I was enduring for the past several weeks had me worried and scared, and I didn’t have the courage to confirm why I was feeling ill.

 Once I was feeling better, I make my way out of the restroom, and there standing at the door was SS agent.

 “Nothing happened, huh?” he says handing me a bag, “I don't believe you, so go back in there and take it and come back out. I will be waiting right here.”

 I open the bag; it was a pregnancy test. I follow his directions and did as told.

 Although I hate my SS agent, I also didn’t hate him. We have been together since we were young and had this love-hate brother sister relationship. I guess at times like these, it is nice to have something like a brother.

 I finished the procedures the test had instructed and went out to meet with my agent. We walk to my room to pass the time for the stick to interpret the results.

 “What does it say?” I ask my agent.

 “You’re pregnant,” he says.

 I fall onto the sofa in my room tears immediately falling.

 “What am I going to do?” I ask. Surely, what am I going to do. He clearly wouldn’t want to be the father of this fetus going inside of me. He pretended as though nothing happened, and the name on the tip of his tongue is Ririchiyo, not mine.

 I cry for what seem like hours as my agent sat next to me hugging me. Then I push him away. I had my resolution. My Resolve.


 I know short, but the next one is long~

Thank for reading~ 

 - simplydreamingz

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