Ruby Rose x Damaged Male Reader Part 3

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When the Rose Wilts Ruby Rose x Damaged Male Reader Part 3

A/n: Dan chapter I saw you guys really liked Dan so a chapter dedicated to his character.

Dan and Coco were enjoying themselves on their date at a nearby cafe on the academy's grounds.

Dan: I don't see why he would just shut himself in...

Coco: YOU DONT?!

Dan: Nope.

Coco: Well look at it from your perspective, how would you feel if I cheated on you?

Dan: Pretty bad.

Coco: Then there's your answer.

Dan: Well... *sips drink*'s his fault for not picking better.

Coco: What the heck are you going on about now?

Dan: I told him to pick Pyrrha, but NO....Mr. I'm not into incest had to pick the emo chick who has trust issues.

Coco: You are so...weird sometimes.

Unbeknownst to them the rest of team CFVY and NADY walk into the cafe and see Dan and Coco chatting up a storm.

Velvet: Yatsuhashi, Fox look it's Coco and Dan let's go say hi.

Yatsuhashi: I do not think it is an appropriate moment to be bothering them with formalities.

Velvet: Oh that's nonsense, what says you, Fox?

Fox merely nods and follows Velvet both of them dragging Yatsuhashi by his arms.

Back to Dan and Coco.

Dan: *sigh* Sometimes I just don't get him.

Coco: Give him the time he'll probably come around.

Dan: Yeah you're probably right, but Blake was the longest girl he's been with, so that breakup has to weigh on him to some extent.


Velvet: Pull harder Fox.

Yatsuhashi: Stop this Velvet.

Velvet: No, well we're close enough to hear them.

Dan: Blake was the longest girl he's been with, so that breakup has to weigh on him to some extent.

Velvet: I'm probably going to regret this, but...

Velvet then approaches Dan, and Coco's table, and slams her hands on their table.


Coco: Oh hi Velvet.

Velvet: Hi Coco, how're things?

Coco: Good, good.

Velvet: Now back to business, why did Blake dump (Y/n)?

Dan: No, no you misunderstood (Y/n) dumped Blake.

Velvet: Why would he do that? I thought they were happy together.

Coco: They were that was until (Y/n) found out that Blake was cheating on him.

Velvet just frowned, she understood why (Y/n) had chosen Blake over her, and she respected that, but to think she cheated on him made her sick to her stomach.

Velvet: Who'd she cheat on him with?

Dan & Coco: Sun.

Velvet: Do you mind if I take a seat here?

When The Rose Wilts Ruby Rose x Damaged Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now