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In the Kingdom of Potentia, there is a tradition of the King marrying the prince or princess of whatever Kingdom they defeat in a war or annex, to strengthen the relations or gain dominance over the other Kingdom.

All the earlier Kings followed this tradition but King Kim Taehyung was different. He did accept the other royalties as concubines but never as his partner or the King/Queen of his Kingdom because for him, only one deserved to be his partner, the other ruler of his Kingdom.

He was no royalty, no noble, just the son of a small merchant. But he was Kim Taehyung's first friend, first bestfriend, his first love. He was King Park Jimin.

That was until a new princess of a small Kingdom Taehyung annexed was added as a new concubine.

She may have been from a small Kingdom, but she wasn't timid or shy. She was extremely beautiful, so beautiful that everyone fell in love with her at first sight. But, she was ambitious, cunning and knew how to use her beauty for her privilege. She was greedy for power. She was princess Lim Jiwoo.

So, to satisfy her greed for power she aimed to seduce King Taehyung, convince him to make her the Queen of his Kingdom, so she could rise to power and fulfill all her dreams.

Earlier, no one had ever dared to approach Taehyung because they knew that it was useless. Taehyung would never look at anyone who wasn't his Jimin. But, something changed with this new princess.

Because now the King was looking less towards Jimin and more towards Jiwoo, now the King would be seen more with Jiwoo. When normally, Jimin and Taehyung would be seen roaming the palace gardens together in the evening, now Taehyung would be seen teaching Jiwoo horse riding.

Now Jimin would be refused to enter Taehyung's chambers because someone else was already there. Now, Jimin rarely ever saw Taehyung.

If you say Jimin was heart broken, it would be an understatement. He felt as if his heart was being crushed cruelly by an elephant and his body was being pricked by a thousand needles everytime he saw Taehyung with Jiwoo.

But Jimin didn't make an attempt to try to win Taehyung back. He trusted his love. He may be enamored by the new face for now but soon he'll realize that the girl doesn't truly love him, she was just using him. And then he'll comeback to Jimin, because he's Taehyung, Jimin's Taehyung, he always comes back. He will.

It was six months after the arrival of the new concubin that a bad news came. Their neighboring Kingdom had suddenly attacked their border checkposts, thus declaring war.

The King was informed in the middle of night and since the situation was serious, he decided to leave as soon as possible.

Jimin was sound asleep in his room when he was woken up by loud knocks on his bedroom door. He opened the doors, still half asleep, to look at frantic servant.

The servent hurried to inform him of the war and that the King was waiting for him at the palace entrance, ready for departure.

Hearing the news Jimin rushed to the palace entered. Reaching there he got a bit upset that everyone was already there, he was the last one to be informed but he put that aside, he had more important things to deal with.

Taehyung, ready in his battle gear, was consoling a crying Jiwoo. When he saw Jimin approaching he turned towards him with a small smile, much to Jiwoo's dismay, who barely hid a scowl.

"I believe you have already been informed about the situation?"

Jimin returned his smile, "Yes, I have been informed. So, go without a worry and show those fools who they are dealing with and show them well so that no one in the future will even think about attacking our land."

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