fuck please stop

4 1 0

At Kim house :

"I am telling you for last time I won't marry someone who I NEVER MET,NEVER SAW!!!!"

(Jinsoo was screaming at her parents for fixing her engagement without even asking for her permission, her parents was sitting sitting in sofa and her brother was chilling )

Mr.kim: listen jinsoo, it's for your own good. You are already 24.

Jinsoo: so what?I don't wanna marry who I don't even know.

Mrs.kim: he is your dad friend's son.

Jinsoo: tell him to marry then, why me? *Angry*

Mr.kim: I am already married to your mom. *Laughing*

Jihoon : witch, marry and have dozons of kids, I also want some nephews, nieces.

Mrs.kim: you are already 24,look at your classmates they all are married even have kids.

Jihoon: and be HAPPY someone wants to marry you, you are so ugly still.

Jinsoo: I don't want too, please.

Mr.kim: if you are worried about your job, you can be his PA later.

Jinsoo: whatever!!! I am leaving.

Mrs.kim: if you leave now, never come again, people's are already invited. Do you want your dad to get humiliated?? *Angry*

Jinsoo: but.. ugh I am going to my room!! *Sigh*

Mrs.kim:I will send your dress and makeup artists later.

Jihoon: by the way guys, I also think aren't you guys forcing her?like she is also human she also have choice who she wants as life partner. Dad also choosed you.

Mr.kim: no, my and your mom marriage was force + arrange type, but see we are married for 30 years now. *Laughing*

Jihoon : shut up old man. I will be back.

(Jihoon left from there, he was feeling sad cause he can see that his sister is getting forced. And he knows she will also be quite in engagement won't argue, cause she cares about family reputation)

[SKIP to party time -7pm]

Bamkyu : you guys go in, I will check everything, then coming.

Kaunim: Okey.

Taemin: where is taehoon hyung?

Yeongjun: maybe somewhere,let's go in before bammy come and schold us.

Jaemin: hi.

(Jaemin waves hand at kaunim and taemin to come to them)

Jaemin: hey man, looking good.

David : I am scared.

Namjae: don't be scared, noone will bully you here.

Taemin : where is taeyong?

Namjae: I don't know maybe with his mom dad.

Junghyun: hi guys,did you met the secret guy?

All: who?

Junghyun: actually the groom is hidden nobody knows who is he. *Giggle*

Taeyong: hi!!!!! *Runs*

Jaemin: don't run you will fall.

Taemin: he is not you that he will fall. *Laughing*

Namjae: I don't know actually but I think we know who is he .

All: huh? How?

Jaemin : forget it, guys see ladies.

Taeyong: jaemin, don't start again.

Jaemin: just will go and do some hi hello.

Namjae: don't, they are from yg maybe.

Jaemin: you guys are so boring.

David: guys, let's do interact with them, there are no reporters still.

Taeyong: ok,let's go.

Taemin: we always gets into trouble.

Jaemin: nothing will happen let's go na?

"Everyone was going to girls side so they can talk with them,cuz jaemin was insisted too much"


"Mom,please I won't do anything please let me gooooo"

(Sana was telling her mom to leave her hand who was holding Sana "s hand like she is 7 years old baby)

Mrs.park: no means no.i don't want any scene create here.

Sana: I swear, I won't do anything please!!!

Taelyn: please aunty,let her go!!

Yunmi: yes please, we will keep our eye on her, don't worry.

Mrs.park: no.

Mr.park: hi kids, how you all doing?why all here not enjoying the party?

Taelyn: uncle chim, your wife isn't letting Sana come. *Sad face*

Mr.park: oh that the matter? Why aren't you letting my baby go?

Mrs.park: your this small size baby will do something again that's why.

Yunmi: she won't, please let her enjoy???

Mr.park: wait.

(He went behind his wife and said)

"There is a lizard under your gown baby"

(Mrs park left Sana "s hand and was panicking, he signalled them to run away)

Sana: finally!!!

Yunmi& taelyn: but if you do something silly, then you will be death.

Sana: I won't Aish.

"Are you really ok with it?"

Jinsoo: *weak smile*I don't have any other choice.

Yuna: you do have, run away *cold tone*

Hyunhi: don't even think about it, uncles reputation, media they will make fake news.

Joy: she doesn't have any other choice.

Sung: hi,can I come in?

Yuna: *eye roll* you are already in.

Sung: *laugh* oh sorry actually aunt asked how much time more?

Yuna: 10 now go.

Hyunhi: hey what's your name,I forgeted again? *Smile*

Sung: it's for 16 times I am saying SUNG hAnJiN.

Joy: she is just kidding, go kid do your chors

Sung: I am not kid, miss bamboo!!  *Runs away*

Joy: what did he said? *Angry*

Hyunhi/jinsoo: bamboo *laughing*

Joy: brat.

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