Chapter 5

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Fuck, Fuck, Fuckidy fuck. 

I hear Sarah whimpering in the front. 

"Look this is gonna hurt but I need you to push down" John B says calmly, but one look to my left through the back window and I can tell he's freaking out. 

A grunt of pain from Sarah makes me cringe.

"I'm sorry" John B says softly, "I know it hurts but we gotta stop the bleeding" 

Deciding to follow his advice, I push down on the gash hard sending a searing pain through my body. 

"Holy mother" I say under my breath.

"Hey you okay?" I hear Philip call out as he helps John B look after Sarah. 

"Yep all good" I grit out, "How's Sarah doing?" I ask, knowing that a gunshot is way more fatal than a little cut. 

"Not great, but John B is gonna call Terrance now" 

"Okay, good call" I say softly, feeling the energy slowly drain from me. 

I look down at my shirt, to see that my dirtied hands are now a crimson red as blood continues to flow. 

"We got it, but listen, we have bigger problems" John B says frantically, "Sarah's been shot."

I can't hear the reply from Terrance, only the sound of John B's voice recalling what's happened, shaking a little in fear. 

"Help is on the way okay? Just stay with me" John B comforts Sarah

The pain is increasing rapidly now, the effect of  shock and adrenaline stopping. I lift my shirt to have another look at the wound, and grimace when I realise it's much worse than I thought. The cut runs deep and it looks like I've cut some sort of blood supply, which explains the excessive bleeding. 

"Hey Philip, Jules, do you reckon you could run down the road and see if you can find them?" John B says, getting impatient.

"Yeah, yeah of course" Philip aggrees instantly 

"Negative" I groan out quietly

"What do you mean negative!" John B asks frustrated, as he whips around to look at me.

The look of anger quickly dissolves to fear and shock, "Jules you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a little accident" I reply as Philip jumps onto the back of the truck, making it move, causing the two of us to cry out in pain. 

"Jesus Philip" I groan, putting more pressure on my cut.

Philip looks at me with wide eyes before his eyes move to the knife. His knife. 

"Jules!!" he shouts and rushes over

"What?" John B asks frantically, "is it bad!" 

"Lemme see" Philip says grabbing my hands softly. 

"It's just a  scratch" I say softly, losing energy to even talk.

Philip lifts my shirt, and takes in the injury as fear fills his body. 

"Guess a pretty big scratch hey?" I joke with a small smile

"John B, she's got a massive cut on her stomach. She's losing a lot of blood" 

"Shit" John B says as we hear an engine approaching, "you're gonna be alright Jules" 

"Thanks Johnny" I say, "sorry for stealing your spotlight Sarah" I call out with a small laugh, but grimace when the movement shoots pain through me. 

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