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(pretend it's Elena lol)

Insanity (n.) -

the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.

"he suffered from bouts of insanity"


how could a person tell if they were going crazy?

How could Elena know the very thing she dreaded happening to her most was happening?

Was it the baggy eyes, the messy hair

Or, was it the need to yell at the top of her lungs.

Was she driven to Insanity?

Mystic Falls.

Another stranger's bed, Elena is woken in.

After the breakup with Damon,  and The death of Stefan she could barely find her breath anymore.

She hated every bit of her life.

She hated how she missed Damon's sarcastic and snarky comments.

She missed Jenna's tendency to push through her limits for her and Jeremy.

Lastly, She missed Stefan's comfort and respect.

And she blamed it all on Klaus Mikaelson.

Maybe if he didn't flee the minute he wanted to after destroying her life, She would've still had Damon,  Stefan and Jenna.

If there was a miracle that he apologized and helped pick up the pieces.

Elena knows she sounds pathetic. Stupid, Idiotic, and filled with false hope.

But if it meant she didn't have to blame herself, She would take it.

She sighed and pushed the stranger whose neck she has bitten through.

Over the months Elena has found a hobby in feeding on blood every minute of the day.

She claimed it to be "relaxing". she knew it wasn't true.

People would claim she's insane

For not only does she kill people every single day, but she also writes their names down.

Sometimes she adds a few people she hated from her past.  Every time she killed one of them she would cross the name out with a red pen.

In big bold letters on the top of her paper was then the infamous name, Klaus MIkealson.

And to whatever it takes, Elena will end him.

New Orleans.

Blood splattered all over the couch as Klaus coughed, he wiped his mouth and let out a soft grunt.

"Get me a bloody wet towel Rebekah!". Klaus shouted in a grainy voice as it echoed across the home.

For a few days now Klaus had been dangerously sick, Hybrids can't get sick though which shook him the most.

He's gone to witches and witches unable to find a diagnosis, let alone a cure. 

Was it possible that the Original Hybrid was dying?

He turned his head to vomit blood into the bucket.

The blood trickled down from his chin making slight drops that only he could hear.

As his pain intensified he took deep breaths in and out.

He turned over onto his back as he let his younger sister put the towel on his forehead.

"Bloody Hell Nik, what's the matter with you?". Rebekah dunked the towel back into some cool water squeezing it and dabbing it lightly over his forehead.

"Trust me, sister, if only I knew". Klaus chuckled lowly slightly wincing at his extreme pain.

All the blonde young female original could do was sigh, worrying about her brothers state

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