Chapter 5- Dewey

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Chapter 5

"So, do we have some kind of plan on how to approach Tara? She seems like she's been through the ringer, and she's just a little girl, barely the age Sid was when it all started happening with her. I am sure so many things are going through her mind."

"She is the same age, Sidney was when Billy Loomis started all this." I take my eyes off of the road to place them upon Gale. Even though, it isn't clearly evident on her face, I can tell that she is worried. "Just like Sid though, I get the impression, Tara is stronger than she appears to be. Despite being stabbed multiple times, as well as being attacked, she still has managed to survive, pull through. Not to say, that she isn't freaking out because I am sure she is. She has no support other than her sister."

"Ghost Face attacked Tara, I think to draw out Sam," she surmises.

"Probably. Sam doesn't live here, so in order to get her here, something big needed to happen, like something happening to her sister."

Gale nods, "The whole Billy Loomis thing and being Sam's father isn't sitting right with me. At this point, why is who Sam's father is, such a big deal? It's not like she even knew Billy. Who knows if Billy even knew about her? From what I gather, I don't think having a child by Billy Loomis is something worth bragging about."

"Even so, what advantage would this killer have in knowing this? What would be the gain? I highly doubt anyone cares about that fact anymore. Revenge on her for what her father did to this town all those years, and the beginning of a chain of events, a series of murders? Is the killer blaming her for what has happened to and in Woodsboro?"

"Could be," Gale surmises.

We pull into the hospital parking a few minutes later. I stare up at the hospital, feeling a fleeting moment of nervousness.

Gale turns in her seat, towards me, as I see her gulp in slight fear. "Do we have some kind of plan before we go in there? I mean, what we are going to say to Tara, ask? Even how to approach her? We need her trust, in order for her to open up to us. We don't want to be overly aggressive and scare her."

I chuckle lightly and Gale's lip curves into a small smile, as both of us realize that we don't need to be worried about my aggressiveness, but hers. I give her a stern, but loving looking. She cocks her head. "Fine, my aggressiveness," she admits. "I know."

"Not to say that you aren't very good at what you do, because you are."

She shakes her head. "Quit trying to make nice now, after insulting me."

This woman drives me completely insane, with everything about her. She's everything that I am not. She provides me with the unexpected, the curvy and narrow path. She brings things out in me that I didn't know were there. She makes me want to take risks, and makes me want to follow her lead, even if her leads, or her effectiveness doesn't work out in our favor. We are on opposite ends of the spectrum, in almost everything, yet there is no one else that I'd rather fight with, nitpick with, and get annoyed by than her.

"We need to be direct with her, and let her know what the stakes are. We need her to get her to think about exactly what has happened, and try to get her to remember even the smallest details. Those tiny details, the ones that the sheriff deputies might have missed are probably the most crucial. Only you and I know what we are looking for. The deputies would never know what to ask, or pick up on the things that need to be picked up on."

"You are right."

"Aren't I always?" she smirks, taking my hand from over the console.

I bring her hand up to my lips, and kiss her knuckles, smelling the faint smell of her perfume. She is right, most of the time she is right, even all the times I've kicked against it, it never made her being less right.

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