After finding Bryan in the mind....

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Steve had just woken up from being in his head and finding Bryan, Steve sees Lolbit, Gator, and Molten

Steve POV
"Okay, I just need to get to Freddy Land without getting noticed. But that will be a problem since these three are here. Small talk? Yeah, small talk until I can slip away." I thought. "Hey guys! How are you?" I said opening the tube thing, I don't understand why Pat has a tube, maybe so we can't escape while he's looking at our code, I don't know.
"Hello Steve." Molten said coldly. "Steve!" Lolbit and Gator said almost in sync. "Your okay!"

Molten POV
"Steve seems off..." I thought watching him "So, Steve, I heard Glitchtrap did something in your body, but the people who told me wouldn't tell me what he did. Are you willing to tell me?" I said to Steve. Steve looked kinda scared, he shaked a bit, he was scared of something. "I...... sure......" Steve said to me, "Just...... come with me..."
I was confused a bit, all I know it's something about Rockstar Foxy. We walked into the supply room and Steve pointed to a little path thing between shelves. I saw Foxy for sure. Less burnt then the first time, but burnt for sure. "How did th-" I was saying until I heard something the sewer. I looked to the repair room to see Lolbit and Gator through the door. I walked towards the sewer. I think it was Steve making the sound.

Lolbit POV
I noticed Steve running to the opposite side of the supply room to us. Gator and I didn't question it. Steve seemed upset, so we assumed he was going to sit on a shelf for a bit. That's what he does to calm down. No one here knows why, but it's what he does. But we noticed he wasn't going to his normal spot. He was going the other way. Gator and I notice Molten look at us, we shiver a little. "Molten is scary" I hear Gator whisper. "I heard that." Molten said loudly, "I have good hearing, Montgomery"

Gator POV
I kinda shake, guess Spaghetti has good hearing then. Noted. I saw Steve run towards the sewer. I open the door and walk over there. "Gator? What are you doing?" I hear Lolbit ask. "Just checking something" I respond. Just as expected. "Steve is in the sewers again" I say to Molten.
"AGAIN?" I hear Lolbit yell, "THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME?!" "apparently. I heard from Pat he ran into the sewers in an attempt to escape when they learn he has a body in him." I respond. I heard Molten cough, it was fake, animatronics can't cough, I think. I walked over to Molten, seeing part of the boards holding the sewers shut was splittered. "I'll go after him, you two go tell one of the others." Molten said looking at me and Lolbit. "Alright Molten" Lolbit said. Lolbit then motioned for me to go over there and walk with them (I believe Lolbit uses he/they pronouns in this roleplay)

Steve POV
" I...... need to...... keep... running" I thought as low battery was flashing in my eyes, I was almost there. Then I thought I heard a box move. I turned and saw nothing. I continued until I found a ladder. "I AM FINALLY HERE!" I though as I saw the non-existent office. (where the office used to be) I ran, faster then ever. I heard a truck, and Gator. I continued running, I was almost out of battery, but I didn't care. Anything to save Bryan. I ran until I found Ballora. We had a chat and run to the portal. We saw Pat's truck there. "Guess they found out." I said to Ballora. We ran in to see Pat holding me at gunpoint.
I sneaked around, got caught a few times. I eventually made it to the keyboard. I typed the coordinates. I got shot in the arm trying to get into the portal. I think I had and adrenaline rush for animatronics because I felt nothing until.........

Author's note:
Thanks for reading this far! This is actually based on something we wrote while bored at school. If you wanna know about us: our name is Ash, we like to draw and write stories. We use they/them/theirs pronouns, and we say 'we' because saying 'I' or 'my' doesn't feel right to us. That's about all I will put here. Again, thank you for reading out story! I hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening!

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