Forms {CLOSED}

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Before we get started, here are a couple of rules. Please read them carefully.

1. I have every right to reject a form. This will either be because the form's incomplete or because it's beyond my ability.

2. Comment your forms only in this chapter.

3. Please be polite and patient. I will let you know whether or not you've been accepted.

4. Be clear with the description of the cover. I don't want to present you a cover you don't like/doesn't fit your book.

5. Books must be published or will be published within two weeks.

6. Complete the payment ONLY AFTER I accept your book.

7. None of my books are for commercial use. You can only use my graphics for personal use. Let me know if my graphics are being used in any other platform.

I will not accept any Sci-fi, Romance, Teen Fiction, or Fanfiction genres. At this time, I will only be designing book covers, and will not be designing any cover that requires a face claim.

Here is the format I want you to submit the form in...

Book Title:
Author Name:
Book Genre:
Color Schemes:
(DETAILED) Description of cover:
Example covers (optional):
Tags (3+):

Payment: A permanent follow on this account and add this book to your private/public reading list (the private reading list is more important because then you'll get updates). And don't forget to vote on your favorite graphics from this shop!

A shout-out would be nice too 😌

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