Meeting Three Not-So-Strangers, But Having Bad Memory

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So I started in-person school again and it's been pretty chill. It's nice to get out of the house even if it's only for a few hours. But it is annoying having to pay for the bus to go to school and then stay there for an hour and then just come back home. Today I did decide to stay outside of my school because it was kind of sunny but then five minutes later it became very chilly but I was already outside and I was actually writing this chapter and I was kind of committed but honestly, I got so cold I had to move. But the place I moved to there were no tables and eventually I went home.

But it's really nice at my campus I wish I could show you guys a picture. I guess if you guys just Google Brooklyn College you can see it. The building that you see in all the photos on Google is across the street from the building where I go to school, the building always shown in the pictures is like the library because it has a bell tower on top of it and it looks really pretty. But I've never gone in it before, it's just a hassle because I have to cross the street and then show my ID again and go through the security again and it's just easier to go home sometimes, lol.

Also, I had homework today and I thought that we had to hand in a physical copy and I spent all class. Rewriting my homework as a physical copy and then I learned that at the end of class I could have just emailed it to him. I did not copy any notes because I was so focused on copying the stupid homework down so I learned nothing and all of what we were learning today was really important. I'm very upset.

Also, I went to school really hoping to eat a pastry that I had on Monday but they didn't have any more of that pastry and I was so upset. I didn't want to stand there and look through all the food because I felt awkward so I just grabbed some random snack and left but I was very disappointed.

The one good thing about the bus home while it is annoying that I have to spend so much money, but the good thing about it is it's so quick. Like it takes me 30 minutes to get to school and about the same time to get home if all the buses come quick enough. If you live in Brooklyn or anywhere there are buses there's something called limited bus where it skips over a few bus stops so the bus just goes quicker to the last stop. And I always get off the last stop going home so the buses just zoom home and it's great. Going to school is about the same, where I live only the limited buses leave there so it's great in the morning. I left this morning at 9:40 a.m. and I got to school at 10:13 am. I took two buses for a total of 14 stops through a heavily congested city. I don't know, I'd call that a win.

I fell asleep during editing, oops. But here it is anyway, enjoy!



Merlin's House

November 21, 2006

"I should have woken up sooner," Merlin grumbled out loud.

"I could've lived while all this stuff was invented. I could have known how it all worked. But here I am struggling to find my friends on the internet!" Merlin shouted, the last bit frustrated.

He was currently holed up in his house on the weekend, trying to see if he could find some more of his past friends. He already tried going out and about in the muggle world, but that ended in a disaster.

Or at least that's what he was told.

The last thing he remembers is a horrible nightmare and waking up at a Muggle hospital seven days ago and seeing Remus look one second away from crying.

Muggle London

Seven Days Ago...

November 15, 2006

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