The trapper becomes the trapped

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On the sky base, Neoide walks up calling Nyvar and Triquad over to the meeting.

Commander Neoide:
We have been trying to conquer this planet for so long now, and those pesky rangers have been getting in the way and we lost two of our own in the process.

Doctor Triquad:
That may be true commander, but I do have a a plan, we use thes two bots I made to trap the rangers.

Then two bots named Cage bot and Trap bot came into the room.

Doctor Triquad:
You see commander, these two have the ability to trap anyone.

Commander Neoide:
Excellent, Nyvar you will go down with them.

General Nyvar:
Yes commander. Sky jump

Nyvar walks over to Cage bot and Trap bot and the three sky jump to earth. Meanwhile at M.G.L. the rangers are walking around the lab.

So what have you been doing Hunter?

You know the usual stuff, trying to remember who I am.

Hunter I promise one day you will remember.

Doctor Roberts:
Rangers there's trouble down town.

Okay we're going down right now.

The rangers run down and see that Nyvar, Cage bot and Trap bot were terrorizing town, The rangers ran over and morphed engaging in battle with the poacher bots. After a quick brawl Cage bot threw five cages that trapped Chuck, Jonathan, Mary, Hunter and Tristan then Trap bot snapped his fingers and the cages disappeared.

Cage bot:
Sir I'm out of cages.

General Nyvar:
This isn't anywhere near over gold ranger. Sky jump.

No wait.

Back at M.G.L.

Do you know where the other rangers are doc.

Doctor Roberts:
Yes they should be just near this mountain, but be careful Aaron.

Aaron arrived almost at the point when he was encountered by Nyvar who was holding the key to the cages.

General Nyvar:
Do you want the key gold ranger, well come get it.

Owl eyes.

Aaron pulled out his termi-saber and ran sword fighting Nyvar, after a quick duel Aaron used his owl eyes and knocked Nyvar down picking up the key and running to the cages. At the cages after the rangers were released Nyvar and the two bots merged into Trapper beast and grew giant.

Summon zords, terminator x megazord ready.

The megazord charges and engages in fight eventually they knock down the two monsters and destroy them.

Monster terminated

The end

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