Chapter 5 - An Unusual Friend

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Great! The day was going great and it got even worse when Everrine ran into a blue haired big-headed kid called Ezra. The rest of the "GHOST" crew (a weird name, right?!) were unfortunately getting followed by a battalion of stormtroopers with 10 ties patrolling the skies. So this far the day was a disaster.

"Everrine! Stop! I'm glad I found you!" a breathless Rose said her voice hoarse possibly because she was yelling Everrine name like crazy or because Everrine just force choked her to harshly. "What do you want now?!" growled Everrine. "I-" but Rose never got to finish her sentence as a blaster fire was heard across the alley. "Sorry to cut the reunion short but we really should run!" said Sabine. "Let's go back to the GHOST if that is ok with you girls..." suggested Hera. "Anything to get away from these bucket heads and getting captured!" Rose and Everrine said in unison. But Everrine just glared at Rose in a why-did-you-say-what-I-was-gonna-say look.

After dodging a few very pathetically aimed blaster bolts and making their way hiding from stormtroopers they finally reached the GHOST. "Looks like we are in the green!" exclaimed Ezra. "Not yet! We still need to get past the TIE patrol as well as the Imperial Blockade." said Hera. "What are we waiting for then?!" yelled Kanan from the cockpit cannons. "Ok let's go!" Rose said. And like always the TIEs were following them and it was just like Tom and Jerry but instead of comedy it was a life and death situation. "Chopper prepare the hyperdrive. We are gonna have to make a jump if we are to live!" yelled Hera from the piloting chair. Chopper beeped in response. "That is a good question...where should we go now let me think...." Hera replies icily. "Anywhere that is not here and does not contain any chance where we might not die is good!" yelled Kanan. "Set a course for Nevarro! I know people there that might help us!" suggested Everrine. "What that planet is the home of a major bounty hunter guild and in case you have not noticed we are the most wanted by the Empire!" yelled Sabine even her yell was like a whisper over the commotion and laser fire. "Just trust me-whoa!" Everrine screamed as the whole ship shook. "The ships hyperdrive took a hit as well as the engines...we would not be able to leave this system if we do not decide now!" said Hera now panicking. "Just enter coordinates for Nevarro!" Yelled Everrine. "No!", yelled back Sabine now and she was now at Everrine's throat. But instead of getting scared Everrine just force pushed away Sabine and in moments had her Blue bladed lightsabers at Sabine's throat.

"You're a JEDI?!" all the Ghost crew looked at me as if I just dropped from space. "You think? Also, Kanan and Ezra are also Jedi so why are you treating me any different?" Everrine questioned. "Uh-hey Hera you know it might just be great if I do not die before at least sparring with Kanan and beating him! Ow!" cried Ezra as he hit the wall of the cockpit when a blaster fire hit the hull well that is what you get when you try to change the subject. "We should talk about this Jedi stuff later and just try not to die right now! Chopper punch coordinates for Nevarro now! Sorry Sabine but we would have to trust these guys! Chopper hit it!" said Hera as they jumped into hyperspace. Sabine glared in response but eventually decided to let it go.

The journey to Nevarro was uneventful but if you count Ezra almost stabbing Everrine with the lightsaber and still getting his butt kicked well then it was very eventful. After some sparring the ghost crew were in the common room with Everrine and Rose with them as they try to contact Amber and Pearl and with some luck, they eventually explained everything without making anyone mad. "So, who do you know on Nevarro?" asked Kanan. "Well...I think Sabine here might know but you never let it be a surprise!" said Everrine and smirked when Ezra and Sabine exchanged defeated glances. "VCX-100 fighter identify yourself" asked a voice as the GHOST entered the atmosphere of Nevarro. "This is Rose requesting permission to land Cara." "Permission granted dock at hanger bay 16. I will be there with Greef shortly. It is so wonderful to have you here!" came Cara 's voice. The Ghost landed but Hera did not feel safe to go outside. "What if this is all a trap?" she whispered to Kanan. "Well, what do we do when there is a trap, Ezra?" Kanan glanced at Ezra. "Uh-we try not to die...?" replied Ezra in a not-so-sure tone. "No doofus we spring it!" replied Sabine rolling her eyes and trying not to laugh. "Well then let's go!" Zeb announced.

Rose's POV

"Well then let's go! "Zeb said but I was pretty sure they did not know what was in store. 'I just hope that the bounty hunters do not mistake them and hand them over to the Empire' I thought. When the doors opened very warm air strangely smelling of burnt substances then of course I forgot that there was only one city on this planet and that there was a whole lava river flowed and burned everything in its path except for this town of which Cara Dune was the Marshal.

"One Spotchka please" said Cara as the waiter of the pub arrived. "It is on the house Marshal!" replied the waiter. "You know making the drinks on the house would not get your salary a raise. But thanks for making the drinks on the house anyway." said Cara nonchalantly. "So why are you guys here?" asked Cara when all of the others had ordered their drinks. "Well, SOMEONE was getting followed by a battalion of Stormtroopers! And then we decided that we were MISSING you so we just came to VISIT..." said Rose emphasising each and every word and glaring at the GHOST crew. "I just tagged along to meet him and Grogu... Where is he anyway?" questioned Everrine clearly annoyed and worried. "Relax! You know he did destroy a whole Imperial base and factory as well as fought the whole Bounty Hunter's guild single handedly even though he had help I guess a couple of bucket heads won't matter that much..." Cara said with some pride and a smirk at the reaction of the open-mouthed Ghost crew. "Um would anyone mind telling us who 'HE' is?" asked Sabine. "You will soon find out...although I think you might know him." said Everrine with a smile. "Anyways let us see where you guys will be staying...," said Cara. "We can stay in the ship." said Hera. "I can stay on the Razor Crest." Everrine hopefully suggested. "Ok! Then Rose stays with me!" announced Cara. "And what about the food?" Greef asked. "I'll take care of it." said an oddly familiar voice from behind Everrine.


Hello guys sorry, I will take a little long to complete the book as my exams are approaching............

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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