231-244 END

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Ch.231: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart 3

Within the darkness, that figure took a step forward, and was finally revealed under the firelight.

Mu Qing's face was dark, but he didn't speak.

Feng Xin grabbed onto Xie Lian. "Before, at the Heavenly Capital, I was searching for people just fine when someone suddenly struck me from behind, otherwise why would I have fallen?"

Xie Lian's mind spun rapidly and he blinked. "He was the one who struck you?"

Feng Xin said with absolute certainty, "Without a doubt, it was him!"

"And after he hit you, you were immediately knocked out?" Xie Lian asked.

"Pretty much!" Feng Xin said. "Either way, Your Highness, watch out for him, don't get so close, or just seize him!"

Mu Qing swore in spite of himself. "Bullsh..."

Xie Lian quickly cut in. "Wait! Feng Xin, there's a problem here. If he ambushed you from behind and you were knocked out immediately afterwards—how did you know that the one who struck you from behind was Mu Qing?"

Feng Xin hadn't expected that he'd ask this question and was taken aback. Mu Qing instantly seized that moment and humphed.

"At the time, the Heavenly Capital was ablaze in chaos, it wouldn't be strange for anyone to have knocked you out. But you just had to throw this mess on me, can't you just admit you saw wrong?"

However, Feng Xin held onto Xie Lian and stood up, his tone dark. "No, it was definitely you!"

"On what basis do you make your accusation?" Mu Qing demanded.

Feng Xin enunciated, "It was precisely because the Heavenly Capital was ablaze, and there was firelight all over the ground. It reflected the shadow of that person behind me. Even though I didn't get the chance to look back, when I fell, I saw the shape of that shadow and the attack move. It was your shadow!"

Xie Lian watched intently as the two exchanged verbal blows.

Mu Qing still wouldn't back down. "All this talk, but you still didn't see anything with your own eyes. It's normal for shadows to blur reality, so how can you determine it was me by just a shadow? What can you see when you were practically fainting?"

"You know very well whether I can tell the distinction. His Highness too," Feng Xin said.

Xie Lian indeed knew. No matter what, the three of them grew up together, cultivated together, and couldn't be more familiar with each other's forms and moves. Even if they didn't see a face, they could still be over eighty percent certain!

"Your Highness, you both came here together?" Feng Xin questioned. "Has he done anything suspicious en route?"

"Well..." Xie Lian said.

To be honest, Mu Qing had been extremely suspicious the entire way, nervous and unsteady.

But in their current situation, it wasn't easy for Xie Lian to say so in front of Mu Qing's face.

Feng Xin continued, "No! Think closely, the fact that he even came is suspicious. By his personality, why would he go through the danger to come rescue people? Is that even Mu Qing?"

Mu Qing's face grew darker. "Don't say things like they're absolute. Having a son isn't something you'd do, yet here we are?"


Xie Lian could sense the direction of this conversation was going off, and quickly said, "Alright, don't argue. If you continue to argue, then we'll have to train idioms to calm down!"

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