CHAPTER 2: Origin of ACAQ

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3rd Person's POV
Artificial Creatures and Artificial Quirks (ACAQ) is a quirk like One For All and All For One. ACAQ was Yin Shigaraki's quirk. It allowed her to pass it down to one of her children, but at the cost of her own life. That's not all either.

She had a hobby of making fake animal skin and making poems. One day after finishing a fake pink fox skin and said that she wished that she had a wishing quirk.

Suddenly she hurt herself by poking her index finger with her needle causing some of her blood to drop onto the skin.

Then a story like poem came to her head she started saying it out loud.

"Morning to night, dusk to dawn, day to day, with my blood I give you life and ask that you become my companion and partner till the day I die or I break our contract." Suddenly the fox skin went up in a Puff of smoke in it's place was a pink fured fox.

"Please name me Master." The fox said, Yin was shocked by this but she understood that it must be her quirk.

"Pixie. Your name is Pixie." Yin said,

"Thank you Master." Pixie said,

Her older twin brothers found out and started fighting each other. She loved her older brothers but she hated seeing them fighting with each other. So she ran away with Pixie deep into the forest after days of running she pass out from exhaustion.

A man found them on his way home. Not wanting to leave the two alone in the forest he decided to take Yin with him Pixie followed. When he got home his wife and son saw him carrying a girl with a pink fox following them. The wife asked what happened to the girl.

Y=Yin Shigaraki

W: What happened to this girl?

M: I don't see any injuries. So I'd say she most likely passed out from exhaustion.

The son looked at the girl and the fox he realized that it's Yin Shigaraki and Pixie.

S: Mom, Dad?

[M=Man is D=Dad]
[W=Wife is M=Mom]

D: What is it Karma?

[S=Son is K=Karma]

K: This is Yin Shigaraki. I may not have seen her in years, but I don't know anyone else who has white hair and a pink fox that follows them around. She is without a doubt Yin Shigaraki.

M: He's right dear, but why was she in the forest.

K: I can answer that, before I saw Yin for the last time, she told me that she gotten her quirk and her brothers started fighting with each other. She had said that if their fighting continues for more than a year then she was going to run away. She said that 4 years ago so they must of knew about her plans.

D: When I found her she didn't have anything on her. So she must of saw an opportunity and she took it. Without any food or water. And I found her close to here. Karma on foot how long would it take you to get to the Shigaraki's home from here?

Karma gave them a grave look before answering.

K: A week if I don't take any breaks.

M: Dear god!? She not only passed out from exhaustion but also dehydration and hunger as well!? I'll be right back!

The Mother quickly grab a cup and filled it with water. She also grabbed a pot and a can of tomato soup.

[A/N: I'm sorry I don't know how you take care of someone who is unconscious.]

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