Backround info

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Marshall(Marsh)- 6,2, male, Bi, White, bright blue hair, one blue eye and one hazel, he understands Spanish but don't speak Spanish very well.
He is tall, lanky, and extremely pale, he keeps his hair spiked up usually, normally in a blue jacket with white sleeves, wears dark blue jeans, wears black tennis shoes.

Raymon (Ray)- 5,5, male, gay, Latino, short brown hair, dark brown eyes, has bags under them, his first language is Spanish and will sometimes say things in Spanish (ex: if he is hurt, mad, or if he is really excited when talking about something).
He wears baggy clothes and ripped black jeans, he needs glasses but only wears them at home (Marshall thinks he looks cute in them), wears light brown converse that have stars drawn in sharpie on the sides.

They have been friends ever since they were in 2nd grade. They grew up in a small town and spent most of their time in the woods hanging out with each other. Both of them were each other's best (only) friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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