Chapter 1

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You jolt awake at the sound of your M/D slamming open your door while yelling ''Y/N! WAKE UP WE ARE AN HOUR LATE!'' You jump up out of bed and start picking out your clothes for the day. You quickly get ready and run out of the house, practically throwing yourself into your M/D car. You look at your M/D with an awkward smile ''Sorry, I guess I cut my alarm off.'' You apologize.

As you ride to school, you begin thinking about the events of last night. You had barely gotten any sleep, because you had stayed up all night doing a biology project. You hated biology. Biology was your worst subject. Currently you had a 54% in there, so you absolutely had to get that project done. That's when it dawned on you. With the chaos of being late you and forgotten your biology project at home. You slowly turned to your M/D. They looked pretty upset from being late. You sighed and decided to not say anything. You already knew that your M/D had been having trouble at work, due to having to work more hours because people kept quiting. ''God dammit. I'm going to fail biology.'' You think to yourself.

When you finally arrive at school, it's already half way through 2nd period. You run into the school, rushing to sign yourself in. You run down the hall trying to get to class as fast as possible. Your shoes where untied due to having to get ready in less than 5 minutes. As you are running down the stairs, you trip on your untied shoelace, falling down the stairs aggressively, like in Family Guy. You lay there in defeat for a few minutes. When you finally get up you realize that your chin is bleeding and you had busted your lip when you fell. You decide that getting to class is more important than going to the nurse, as all you had done was fallen down the stairs. You half limp half run to your locker to get your stuff and get to class.

When you finally get to class, you are out of breath and your face is tinted red. You hand your teacher your tardy pass and limp to your seat. As you are trying to catch your breath, the girl in front of you, Adyson, turns around "Whao, what on earth happened to you?'' She gasps out, covering her mouth. "I fell down the stairs." They chuckle a little before explaining what the class is doing.

《《《Skip to end of 3rd period》》》

It was almost time for 4th period, art class, which happened to be your favorite class of the day. There was only one bad thing about 4th period, you and the worst possible people in there, Micheal Afton and his group of annoying trouble makers. They would always disrupt class making stupid jokes, asking unnecessary questions, and goofing off. And worst of all was that Micheal had been stealing your favorite seat to sit in. Right beside the window. Your teacher let everyone choose where they sat each day to ''let their artistic creativity flow''. You sat in class deep i thought about finally being able to go to art class and get that damned window seat. After the shifty start to your day, you were determined to get that window seat.
When the bell rung, you sprinted out of the classroom and down the hallway, desperate to get that window seat.

When you arrived to the class, you let out a huge sigh of relief. Micheal hadn't made it to class before you. You could finally have the window seat to yourself. You ran to your seat, cheerfully placing your belongings on the desk. You began staring out of the window, out into the beautiful school garden. You could just sit and admire the garden for hours. There were rows and rows of gorgeous flowers of every kind, and bird feeders with humming birds drinking the sweet liquid from the dispenser, but your favorite part was the beautiful stone fountain in the center of the garden. As you watched the water trickle down the statue, you soon realized you needed to pee.

708 words. Nice. Sorry that there wasn't much Micheal in this chapter. I'm not really too good at coming up with a plot. I'm really just coming up with it off the top of my head. Anyways, despite the lack of Micheal and well plot I hope you enjoyed this chapter<333

Micheal Afton x gender neutral readerWhere stories live. Discover now