[Monday] Fuck Off, Alu

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Ruby was in a bad mood again, and when Ruby is in a bad mood, Class 1 knows that they better not get in her way or else they'd end up receiving the brunt of her anger.

It's lunch break and she's currently in the far corner of the room, aggressively eating her favorite lollipops. As in, literally eating them. She was crushing each one with her teeth and chewing on the pieces instead of letting them melt inside her mouth.

Everyone silently agreed not to ask her what's wrong. Not that they have to ask, of course. They know all about it.

Alucard, the dumbass he usually is when it comes to dating, recently broke up with his boyfriend (someone from Class 4) and almost immediately began pursuing Ruby.

Ruby had rejected him in numerous ways (flat out saying "I'm not interested", ignoring him, literally threatening him to leave her alone or else) and still he kept going.

It didn't help that they're in the same class, which meant that Ruby would be in the same room as him for hours at a time. Her only escape was her duties as the class Vice President, which are mostly done with a teacher around. Alucard knows not to bother anyone when there's an authority figure around (but he still does when it's Silvanna, class President and the principal's daughter, coz he can't see her as an authority figure when she's a couple months younger than him).

"I swear, he's gonna get himself hurt if he keeps going like this," Alpha only shook his head as Alucard once again approached Ruby.

"Would be fucking funny to see though," Chou smirked.

A thump was heard, followed by a stagger and a crash. Everyone looked to where Alucard was on the floor, holding his jaw with shocked look on his face. He glanced at the class President with wide eyes, waiting for her to say something about it.

Silvanna sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry Alu, but you had it coming this time. Just... go to the infirmary."

Still in shock, Alucard got up to his feet and left the classroom, holding the area where he was punched. Aside from Miya's way of greeting (which is a shoulder punch), he's never been hit by a girl before.

And damn, it really hurt. His face is probably gonna be bruised for days. Does Ruby have iron fists or something?

Meanwhile, said girl is massaging her hand - around the knuckles in particular - with a slight grimace. That dumbass' face was solid, what the fuck? Her fist might be hurting more than his jaw.

Ah well. Hope he learns his lesson.

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