Expensive 🤑

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Then Clara asked him many times same question
It was "Are you sure that i am your sister ??"
His answer was positive but at first his face was telling that he also has a doubt about it but after visiting our relatives and orphanage mother that remaining doubt on his mind also vanished because their answer were positive.

Then joy took clara to his luxurious mansion.

Clara's POV

When I entered the house sorry its not a house it was a castle. A beautiful castle . Everything at there was so expensive. While looking around the mansion I saw two sharpened eyes glaring at me. Pure anger was visible in that eyes not only anger there was something more which I didn't understood. The owner of those glaring eyes were Mrs.Benjamin. I don't know why she is look at me like that. Anyway I ignored it then and continued looking around the mansion.

Joy gave me a room that he said that it has less facilities but ... It was not like he mentioned it. It was a super cool room which I have only seen in photos.

Joy: Do you like it. It has only some facilities. I will soon arrange a room which has all the facilities. Ok .

When he said that I just stare at him surprisingly because that room had more facilities than I wanted.

I said him I liked that room very much.

Then I ask him two minutes. And went towards the bathroom . Sorry to say but it was so good and it has a big bathtub too . Wow and there were so many branded and expensive items like expensive body wash and shampoo and some other things which I don't know also was there. Anyway I loved it . After an expensive bath I went into the walk-in-closet. To be honest it was so huge. I thought that there will be no dresses for me but to my surprise there was lots and lots of beautiful dresses which I had only seen in dreams.

Clara's POV ends

Clara's POV ends

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Clara's room

Clara: Woohoo, I am in heaven.

(Author : If you're in heaven then how will my story go on. Noooooooooooooooooo, Never. I will never let it happen.)

Clara:omg my author is so protective.

(Author : you should be thankful for that. *Dramatically flips hair*)

Then Clara went in front of the mirror. She gave a cute smile. It also smiled back at her. Then she checked the drawer below the mirror. Noway there was full of make up products and lots of other accessories.

(Author: now she got the James.)

Using all the expensive, beautiful and good stuffs she was now looking like a real princess.

Her room was in upstairs. So after getting ready, she spent a lot of time infront of mirror And then she went downstairs Joy and maids were there.
Mr. Benjamin was at his office & Mrs. Benjamin is at the meeting with someone.

After seeing Clara Joy's eyes widened. Joy didn't miss that opportunity to appreciate her beauty.

Joy : Wow sissy your looking like a queen .

Suddenly Clara's savageness returned.

Clara : Not like a queen, I was always a queen. you know. And thanks for everything I really like it.

Joy : Oo I thought that you won't like it. Because my selections are worst.

Clara : no I like it very much. You should change that mentality of yours. You have best selection skills.

Joy : No need to mention.

Joy : No need to mention

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Clara's dress 👗 .

*****Time Skipped*****

Mr & Mrs. Benjamin don't like
Clara. They treated her in a bad way. When Joy went to school they compel clara to do homely works like cleaning , washing clothes of joy, mr & mrs Benjamin and gardening, cleaning Mansion , but clara never told this to Joy .

One night when clara was at her room getting ready to go to bed. Mr&Mrs Benjamin came to her room.

She stood up

Suddenly mrs Benjamin ran towards her and hugged clara and started crying .

"Give me my son back. Please Give my son back. I want my son. You took him away from us. I'm like a mother to you right? So Please, please give my son back. Please go from here to anywhere you want, anywhere it's your choice. But give me my son back. How much money do you want I will give you all my money but please give my son back.

She then stand on her knees in front of Clara and then started begging her.

Clara was shocked. She wasn't being able to tell anything it was like someone holding her neck tightly. Trying to choke her to death. She began to feel guilt without doing anything wrong.

Mr Benjamin took Mrs.Benjamin to their room.

Clara started crying.

She doesn't want to hurt that family. So she decided to run away from there. That Mansion was surrounded by a forest. A Thick forest. Some rumours were there about the forest.

Anyway clara don't know about it.
She run towards the forest while crying. She don't know where to go or were was she going but she didn't stop she kept running.

After that she met CLATUS and now they become friends.

(Author: now it is present ok)

They were walking. they were trying to find some food because they are feeling so hungry to eat a elephant 🐘.

On the way Clara kept thinking about the incidence and problems which occurred yesterday night. How her Life changed. After thinking this tears began to built up in her eyes and without waiting it started flowing through her cheeks.

CLATUS notice it. But he didn't do anything because the tears should rain down.

After sometime She began to cry more she was crossing the limits in clatus's mind. So clatus gently pushed her.

For a second she stopped crying and looked at Clatus and then a small smile made its way towards her lips. Then she began laughing because the way clatus pushed her was so cute. She softly pushed him back.
They started playing around.

Then she told her Life story till she met Clatus to him in a funny way.

They were so hungry. Their stomach was crying like a baby.

Then they saw a tree 🌲 full of fruits.

Clara ran towards it. Suddenly a hand stopped her.

To be continued.....

Sorry for the delay. I am a student. my exams were going on so I was so busy for 4 mouths. Now it's over.
So, I will try to update the next episode soon.
so bye bye for now.
See you later👋👋👋👋.

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