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I walked stealthily inside the house through the back door. I surveyed the kitchen first, why? Because the women screamed loudest.

Empty. I wasn't really expecting people to be there cause it was 2 in the morning. I went to the parlor and saw the supposed house maid relaxed on the couch watching a movie.

I snuck up from behind and stared at her figure. I pulled out my silent gun and shot a bullet that went through the back of her head.

The once white couch is now red with blood. I went to the guest room and saw some old folks lying peacefully. If I wasn't properly trained on recognizing a dead fellow I could have bet that they've passed on.

I contemplated on whether leaving the old man alive since he was going to die soon after due to an upcoming heart problem I would cause.

I woke the old man up and he seemed to stare at me for a while. He then turned around looking for his glasses which he put on.

I pointed the gun at his wife and then at the ceiling. A bloody chest was then left of the old woman. I stuck a bullet in her heart but the old man was feeling more pain on his heart. How ironic!

What a lovely connection the old couples have.

Men. Never wanting to cry for help. I watched the old man try to calm his fast pacing heart to no avail. A tear rolled down his cheek as he looked at the woman he had made generations with,dead.

No memories left. A bullet was shot into his fore head. I checked his pulse to see if he's still breathing.

They were already waiting heaven or hell so I just sent them there faster.

I surveyed that floor to check for living souls. Three dead, four more to go.

I went upstairs, the last floor. I met the two main target sleeping together, happily in each others arm.

I bent down to the bed side and looked at the happy couple. Who wouldn't envy them.

I left their room and went to their first child's room. It was a beautiful blue room. There lay a chubby boy of 4yrs with afro on a blue bed. I put my silent gun in his ear and pulled the trigger.

Ohh, what lovely memories am I making here. This family tree was already coming to an end.

The oldies who could only provide one child that is male was dead and now one of their grand children was dead.

Remaining their last grand child,the week old baby girl.

I walked inside a room painted pink. Who were this guys to decide a boy was blue while a girl was pink. I looked at the crib and there laid a week old child.

She looked so innocent and cute but those people's blood flowed in her and I was sadly there to eliminate that family tree.

What is the easiest way to kill a child?

I carried the little girl carefully so she won't wake up. I walked downstairs rocking the little girl.

I got to the kitchen and switched on the lights. I went to their freezer. It had cold flames coming out when I opened it. I bent down and increased the coldness. I got an orange juice out of the fridge and took with me a glass cup.

This family had no hospitality, making their guests serve themselves.

I poured the juice and headed for the parlor. I sat far from the body of the maid.

I wasn't planning on killing her since she wasn't mentioned in my task. But then she would have interrupted it.

I changed the channel to the news. I turned it on and went back to the kitchen with the child in my hands. I got to the freezer and took out my glove that I dropped there, it had ice on it already? Really cold!

I laid the child in the fridge and this time cranked it up to the max. I closed the fridge and left.

I started hearing faint cries and I grinned. I went upstairs and took out my loud pistol. I entered the couples bedroom and saw them in that position ,still.

I used my hand and pursed the mouth of the woman. I put my loud pistol in it. She woke up shocked and looked at me. I had a firm grip so she was still at that spot.

I fired the bullet Into her mouth. Then and there her husband woke up. I went closer to him and spoke.

"I was sent here by Liana. I was told to kill your whole generation. Your parents are dead, children are dead.... actually one is still alive but inside your fridge, your wife and househelp are also dead. She said this is your punishment for leaving her for the woman beside you who's now dead. I feel your grief so I wanted to let you know why you're dying before you die".

At that I aimed it where she specifically told me to target. A tear fell off his eyes as he died.

The securities were dead also but I'm sure that neighbors also heard the last two fired shots so I fled the house immediately.

I stood outside the gate of that house and let out a frown. The man was the cause of the whole family's downfall.

The house was huge, a mansion to be specific and he had five nice looking cars.

According to Liana, she and this man where in the same cult group for years and we're together. After a while he started acting strange and was no longer the ruthless person their group knew.

They took on his case and found out he had married one of the women he raped some years back. The woman was pregnant with his child.

He fell in love with her and told her the whole truth. She thus forgave him and now they had another child.

Liana came back to him to ask why he left their many years of relationship and all he could say to a love struck gangster was that he wasn't a sinner anymore and he wanted a place to call home.

How pathetic!

He begged her to leave him and his family alone then she got furious and let his family all go to meet their ancestors.

Some might say I killed a generation but has anyone wondered why? Anyways I can't say I do it cause I have to because in honest truth I love killing people, it just makes me happy seeing I sent people to rest.

God bless me and may I have a long and peaceful life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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