1. The Start?

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The room was silent. Officer Jenny glared at the wall, her head noisey with thoughts but aloud there was not a sound. Felix twitched in his chair. Tied with chains to the floor and table, the only thing getting him out was a clear confession. There eyes met gazing at each other. Sweat dripping from his forehead. Jenny may not be saying any thing but telepathically she was pushing Felix over the cliff.
"Look Jane, was it? If your looking for a confession of a crime I clearly didn't do, your not getting it." Felix spoke confidently but it was really just to break the tension.
"It's Jenny. And we have footage of you dancing over Mr. Watchmen's body. After that you steal up to 7hundred thousand dollars worth of antiques to then run straight to your mums garage. Where it was all stored." Officer Jenny was sneaky and provoked Felix, she had done many interagations before. No one escaped her no one could escape, it was like being locked up in a safe that grows tighter and tighter until you spill all your secrets. He was coming to the end now, 2 minutes in and he was already biting his bottom lip, sweating from his forehead, his pupils small.
"She didn't even chuckle of how I was dancing, I did that for them to have a laugh but this chick seems she haven't smiled since childhood." Felix thought to himself.
His mouth opened for him to speak but he was immediately cut off.
"Don't play games, no jokes at all or you'll get anther 5 years in jail for each one." Her face was Serious. She would not tolerate 1 joke.
He admitted the crime and unexpectedly admitted 5 others that he wasn't convicted for. He tilted his head to the side smirking. His pupils were small but Jenny could tell that he was proud of every single one of his crimes. Some had been considered cold cases, leaving no evidence. Her mouth dropped with shock. How could someone be so selfish so cruel, so heartless. Felix cackelled in his chair.
"You will be punished" Officer Jenny sounded as if she were about to cry.
"Jail is supposed to punish me? I'll be set free eventually, and you know that." Felix was now the one provoking Jenny, with words as knives.
Jenny stormed out of the room but stoped in front of the door.
"I'll make sure you won't come back out." Her words were ferm.
She continued walking, with the door closing behind her. She was going to drive somewhere.
Felix was just sitting in the room now. Bored of Sitting and waiting, he stood up stared at the tinted wall where he knew he was being watched. And unexpectedly he put his hands above his head and started to dance.
"What's he doing?" Spoke a security guard
"I... I thinks he's dancing" the men looked at each other and started laughing.
"This guy was definitely the class clown as a kid!"
" why don't we play him some music, any suggestions?"

In the car Jenny was furious, she wasn't going let him get away with just jail. Justice needs to be served! She arrived at a glamorous house, she rang the door bell.
"Jenny? What are you doing here?"
"Charlie, it's about Felix. The case you have tomorrow." She spoke quietly.
"Come in and tell me." Offering her a seat inside.
She sat on the couch and Inhaled deeply.
"Felix has given a full confession to not just 1 but 5 different cases." She explained.
The judge jerked backwards. Surprised to be hearing such news late at night.
"What other cases are you talking about." Charlie needed to know the other cases so that tomorrows case can go fairly.
"3 cold cases. Caroline Samulie, John Greevton and Sarah Zenim. And 2 other missing cases that he confirmed are dead. Darla and Jim Melivan." Jenny spat the words out of her mouth. Felix is a cold hearted monster. A savage. Did he even know these people?
Jenny looked up to see Charlie's mortified face.
"I don't think that we'll even need a trial now, I've already made up my mind on what's happening to this freak." Jenny wanted to ask what he thought of, but she's not allowed to know before everyone else.
"But before I can, I'll need proof of what your saying is true." He still seemed shaken by all these murders.
"Do I have permission to ask him? He did do a good job in hiding all the evidence." Jenny was desperate, if he was going to send Felix to get fixed she needed to get that proof.
"Very well." Charlie wasn't in any position to say no, he saw the cases. It would have been impossible other wise. She stood up thanked Charlie for his assistance and left to drive back to the killer.

Everyone was laughing at Felix, even though he's a sick person he is just a funny guy. But dancing came to an end because he got tired. So instead be started telling jokes. One guy in the back passed out from laughing to much and lack of oxygen. Then everyone realised what he was trying to do. One guy spoke through the mike.
"Felix your a funny guy n' all but now we've realised what your trying to do."
Felix didn't enjoy being busted. So he yelled at the top of his lungs.
"SCREW YOU FOR PARTY POOPING! A LAUGHING DEATH IS THE BEST DEATH THERE IS!" "You guys got lucky." He mumbled to himself.
Jenny burst through the door. She knew exactly what she was going to say to him.
"How can you prove that you killed all those people!" Felix's face scrunched up in confusion.
"How can I what what what killed people?" This sudden appearance after what seemed like forever, he needed to adjust to the whole interrogation thing again. Annoyed she repeated herself.
"How can you prove that you killed all those people? Ya know, you might just be taking credit for someone else's work." Jenny was in the zone, she planned out questions and a whole script in the car. Felix sat back down and looked at the floor.

"How about a lesson on, How to get away with murder."

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