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i.f.l.y: i fucking love you

I've known this song for a long time, and i have wished for so long that i could have someone to think about when i listen. that person is you.
i wish there was more words that i could use to convey my love for you.
i sound so fucking shitty just saying "i love you" but i truly do. i truly, truly do. with all of my heart, my soul, my being, i love you. i love ALL of you. all of your imperfections, your mistakes, everything.
when you make mistakes, or you share your imperfections, that shows me that you're human. you are a human, and that makes me fall in love with you even more. you arent afraid to show who you are, and you arent hiding your true self from me. granted, i don't know everything, but it makes me feel good knowing that i know more than most people you've interacted with (i hope).

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