I'm Losing You Just When I Thought You Were Mine

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I stared down at her in disbelief of what I was seeing.

"Ariana?" I whispered.

She stood up and wiped her eyes again, "It's me Vic. It's been me all along."


"Because I wanted to get away from you. In a way, I did, but in a way, I was always right in front of your face. At first I honestly didn't think that some hair dye and a pair of contact lenses would fool you, but I was certainly surprised when they did."

"But you and Mike-"

"I'm sorry Vic. It seemed like a good idea at the time. It wasn't my intention to get pregnant and everything, that just happened."

"Because once again, like you've always done, you laid down and spread your legs. You pathetic little whore, you haven't changed, and you never will."

"So what happened to you missing me, and moping around because I was gone?"

"That was all before I realized you've been fucking my brother right in front of my face for six months Ariana!"

"So this is it huh? You wronged me so I left, I wronged you, and I'm still the fucking villain here?"

"No, we're both the fucking villain here Ariana, but you've crossed the line. Both of you have."

I walked away, leaving her in the street, just the same way I found her, crying, broken and alone.

I marched back to the bus, "You've gone too fucking far this time Mike, too far."

"Vic, I was just trying to protect her."

"She didn't need protecting Mike! Not from me. And now you've fucked up, because she's pregnant, and we still have to worry, because James is still after her. But it's not my problem anymore,  I'm done with her, and I'm done with you. I am just fucking DONE."


I took off in a run looking for Ariana.

When I found her, she was sitting on a curb crying.


She looked up, "He hates us Mike, and it's all fault."

"It's mine too. I agreed to take you in, and then I fell in love with you and got you pregnant, I'm just as much at fault as you are here."

"Now what are we going to do?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Go home, get ready for the baby and get on with our lives, that's all we can do."

She sniffled, "I'm legally changing my name. I'm not Ariana Hanley anymore. I'm May Quinn, and that's what you're going to call me from now on."

I nodded, and hugged her, "Okay baby. Come on, let's go get our stuff and go home. You don't need this kind of stress right now."

We walked back to the bus,  arm in arm.

Vic, Tony and Jaime were in the back.

Ariana looked up at me, terrified, but I nodded her forward, "I'm right behind you." I whispered.

She walked in and silently started packing up her clothes.

I did the same, ignoring the glares from the others.

When we were finished, I put my arm around her, "Come on babe, let's go home." I whispered.

The flight from Chicago to California was long and quiet.

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