553 22 16

Bold- Valentino.

Italics- The reader.

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-" I'm off guys I've got an important meeting!" I exclaimed as I approached the hotel doors -" hold iiiit!!" Vaggie. Fantastic, I feel as if she's about to interrogate me as I spun around with my hands clasped together, wide grin adorning my lips -" Yes my dear?" I quire as she only sighs gently shoving my handbag into arms and turning back around.

Husk bites his lip in hesitation before sighing and walking away with a 'nevermind', well that's odd but it is Husk can't ever really tell with him. Shrugging it off I left the hotel beginning my walk to Valentino's downtown club, that being one of the many that he owned in pentagram city.

In all honesty I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those vile buildings but today, was a special occasion. One of the nearest club's was a 30 minute walk so why not take a stroll through this side of hell? All sorts of demons and newcomers cowered as I made my way down the sidewalk heels clicking against the cobblestone, it smelt of decaying flesh as I walked past cannibal tea shops and cafes.

Eventually making my way past one that Alastor frequents in his spare time, Rosie's store to be exact.

My stroll seemed to end as quickly as it had begun as I was now in what I'd like to call the 'red light district' of hell but that just sound's wrong, crack-heads, hookers and any type of sinner you could think of roamed this neon light streets. The smell of semen was heavily mixed with the smell of a mixture of drugs and cheap perfumes, it making me gag a bit before I soon made it to my destination.

The tallest building you'd find here, clearly Valentino's property, a massive poster of Angel hanging from atop the building. It made my blood boil, exhaling, Y|n stepped forward as the doors slide open closing behind her.

Her ears rung as the loud blaring music filled her, bright lights flashing ever few seconds the further she made her way through the crowd and toward the V.I.P section.

-"Valentino," She spoke the moth puffing out a cloud of pink smoke, two strippers on both sides of him, clinging onto him as if he were the only being alive. The sight disgusted you the memories hurt more, shaking the thought away "We need to talk," you continued.

He clicked his teeth not even meeting your gaze one of the girls running her hand against his crotch "Can't it wait?" He snarled grinning at the imp as she continued to rub his nether regions, your face contouring in disgust "No now." You spat standing your ground.

In fact you sat right across from him, arms crossed and staring directly into his eye's, you knew he hated it when someone else's initiated eye contact. Clicking his tongue once again he waved the girls away, both of them quickly leaving as one of the bodyguards closed the velvety curtains, leaning forward he resting his elbows on his knees, his head resting on his knuckles "well?" He begun killing his cigar "what do want exactly? I ain't got all day," whining as he leaned back once again.

-'Already impatient,' Y|n thought a small smile making it's way toward her face but quickly replaced with a scowl, remembering why she was here "It's about Angel-" "Aw fuck here we go again!" Valentino interrupted, Y|n sighed rubbing her temples, nostrils flaring in anger "Could you fuckin' listen for once?" She snapped brows furrowed in frustration at the male in front of her.

-"Fine christ," he snickered causing her to clench her fists, jaw tightening before she slowly exhaled to calm herself "As you know we had an agreement," she begun him humming as took a sip of his alcohol "That you wouldn't lay a hand on Angel," she added watching him closely as she stood up slowly "And you seemed to have forgotten that deal," before he could even realize it, she'd knocked the glass out his hand.

Her claw like hands now clutching his throat while her legs straddled his hips, his four arms unable to move due to an invisible force holding them down " So I thought punishment would be appropriate," deemed the female, a twisted smile resting on her face as his grin widened "Do your worst bitch," Valentino taunted before spitting in her face. The gesture shocked her but most importantly made her feel no remorse for what she was about to do "Have it your way," she simply said smile never leaving her features.

It soon became a smirk as she twisted two of his lower arms breaking them as he shrieked in pain, right before she ripped them off clean. At this point she didn't see him as past friend-

Or past lover.

But as a stranger, sweating was dripping down his entire body soaking his fur coat, her torture methods becoming more sickening by the hours that had passed, a satisfied sigh leaving her lips as she sat across from the bruised and bloodied Valentino, she'd been staring at him for so long she hadn't noticed his two companions had entered "Oh my dearest apologies!" She exclaimed her voice sounding too cheerful for someone who'd just beaten and tortured another demon to a pulp.

Y|n stood up fixing her outfit and looking back at Valentino before she left "It's never too late you know," and with that she was gone, running to the nearest bathroom she could, locking herself up in a stall as the bile released itself. She hated this, she hated the sight of blood, she hated hurting him; but she didn't know what else to do.

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-"I can help,"

-"No you can't!"

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-"Did we mean anything to you!? Did I mean anything to you?!?"

-"Of course it meant something!"

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-"I still need you,"

-"Well I don't need you,"

Her mind felt as if it were splitting in two, her hands shook as she rummaged through the pockets her coat before finally grabbing the bottle of aspirin's. "That's not him," she muttered popping them into her mouth swallowing them "not anymore," slowly standing up Y|n made her way out the stall and leaving the club.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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