Prologue: Howl

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         "I was stalking the woods, in my wolf form, looking for a new member for our pack, when I saw these two females. I was going to turn both, but I only got one before the other attacked me. The expression in her eyes was feral. Far worse than I ever seen in a werewolf. So, I kind of ran. But, on the plus side, the one I bit will be joining us soon. The bite will ensure that. So I didn't exactly fail, okay! Just please, spare me, Cyan-Howl." I hurriedly explained. Cyan stared at me coldly, her Cyan eyes boring into my soul. She was supposed to pick a mate soon. I hoped that the mighty she-wolf would pick me.

         "Very well. Just bring them with you next time. The pack is small enough already. We don't stand a chance of being approved as a pack by the Council like this. And if we don't get approved soon, we'll have to disband. I can't let that happen. Nobody would be safe, not us, and certainly not the humans. At least at the moment, they can walk at night without fear. We cause that. I can't allow something like the last bite to happen again. Your werewolf blood is not as strong as mine. Bring the human before biting them, please, Bloodeyes-hunt." Cyan said, her aura of demanding pride fading as she confided in me about the truth. 

Most of our pack was comprised of kids and elders, so we needed more teens and adults. Sometimes, if not enough power is given to the bitten, they will get infected, so Cyan had me bring any people that had the mark* to her before I bite them. Usually she lets me bite them, but if the mark is faded, then she bites, to ensure that enough power is transferred for them to turn. This one, however, had a very prominent mark, so I knew it would be safe for me to bite them. Well, even if she doesn't come tonight, she will soon. I know it like I know the backs of my wolfish paws.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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Blood Moon (werewolves)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ