Chapter 2: Run

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Sword fights were supposed to bring a sense of chivalry and fair-play, but Horace and Cassandra had long before learned that that was the stuff of bards, tales, and legends. This time too, the attacking men were no gentlemen, and there was no chivalry or fair-play, only long knives beneath the heavens. There was no choreography. No dancing. Only destruction. Only the devastating sounds of weapons meeting human flesh. Of innocent blood being spilled.

Years ago already Cassandra had learned to shut out the sounds and screams. If she let herself hear them, if she let herself listen, she would never be able to forget.

So in her head it remained silent. No screams. No cries. No words.

No words but three.

"Fight, Cassie. Fight."

So she did. She fought her way through hallways, the tunnels, the kitchen, over the grasslands and to the trees.

Fight, Cassie. Fight.


Cassandra didn't know if the tears that were running down her face were a result of the pain in her body or of the fear of leaving Crowley and Duncan behind. Those moments spent running, her brain on speed-mode, ultra focused on the escape, as the final images of her father and his faithful Ranger Commandant stayed in her head as if recorded in slow motion, went by in a blur. But she fought to keep running, despite her aching belly and sore feet.

Fight, Cassie. Fight.


She was still fighting when they reached the safehouse Crowley had directed them towards. She fought the urge to look back to where she could smell Castle Araluen on fire. Fought the urge to slap away the hands that were pulling her inside. Fought to keep the tears hidden and her food down. Fought to keep her thoughts away from all those people fighting for her. Fought to stay awake, to not lose focus, even as the world seemed to be turning.

Fight, Cassie. Fight. 

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