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"You can't leave Alexandro." My father said furiously.

I didn't wanna stay with Alexandro, he treated me like I was his puppet and would just make out with other girls.

"So you're saying I'm getting married to Alexandro?" I said confused

"Yes, and you will have to stay with him for eternity." My father said while looking out the window

I was thinking about ripping the paper so he had no proof to show to Alexandro's father, Alejandro probably didn't want this either for us.

"You can leave now, and bring the paper with you." My father said while putting out his cigar.
I stood up from the chair, opening the door while walking out,

"mia figlia!" my mother yells as she sees me, I guess she really misses me, I hugged her and eventually started tearing up.

"Mia figlia, don't cry." My mother said as she wipes my tears away, "What did father say to you?" She said wondering, I didn't wanna tell her because I knew she'd break down into tears and eventually try to convince my father but she gets abused by father too, I wish I could've stayed with her longer but I couldn't.. anymore..

"He just told me to go back." I said smiling my pain away, "How is Alexandro?" My mother said smiling, "he's- he's alright." I said.

I really didn't want my mother to know but she would eventually find out. My mother let me go and the guards took me back to Alexandro's mansion, I really didn't wanna go back because I stormed off but I never really wanted to be with my father either.

I got inside the limo and drove back to Alexandro's mansion, I made it back and saw him staring at me from the window I didn't wanna look at him so I just went inside and I ran upstairs to a guest bedroom, I kept looking at the agreement paper I couldn't show Alejandro what if he agrees? I couldn't marry Alexandro I wasn't ready, I would never be ready for something like this.

I put the paper away, when Alexandro caught me, "Davina-" "What?" I said cutting him off, "I wanted to know why you just stormed off and EVEN WENT TO YOUR FATHERS MANSION." He said yelling at me, He then shut the door behind him and leaned close to me I kinda liked it, "I'm sorry I won't do it again, I just wanted to know if you really think I'm the one for you.." I said getting scared for his response. "Davina I would never lie to you." Alexandro said looking sad, I leaned him closer and kissed him he kissed back, he wanted to make out but I let go and went to go open the door to leave the room.

"Davina, have you ever even found out if you were pregnant?" Alexandro said to me, "why the fuck would you ask me that Alexandro?" I said, "I'm just wondering you took a pregnancy test but never told me the truth." He said as he stared at me, "Okay fine you really wanna know?" I said furiously to Alexandro. "Yes, if it's my baby as well." He said while smirking at me, "Shut up with the smirking." I said laughing.

He picked me up and took me to his office, "Why are we here?" I said staring at him, he closes and locks the door behind him, "We have privacy here." He said smirking at me.. ONCE AGAIN. He leaned in close to me "You like this huh?" He said staring at me up and down.

As he leans in for a kiss, "stop.. wait.." I said turning my head.

"What's wrong?" Alexandro said.

I show him the agreement papers. "What's this?" He said confused.

"Read it." I said as I threw the paper at him,
As he reads it he gets even more confused.

"Is this an arranged marriage?" Alexandro said looking at me furiously.

"WHO ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED TOO?" Alexandro said yelling at me "IM GONNA KILL YOUR FATHER!" Alexandro yells at me again.

"NO ALEX, ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" I said yelling back, "What is it then huh?" Alexandro said leaning close to me again.

"We are getting married..." I said while heavily breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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