The beginning

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Everything was different now. No one joked about guns or death anymore. No one spoke on the announcements that first morning after, no one talked all period, no one laughed or smiled. We all sat there in silence, doing out work without questions. It was like more people had died than the news said, the empty seats in the front and middle rows. I couldn't believe it, Eli was dead.
My name is Ame Black, this is the story of how I lost my best friend. I guess I should start at the beginning, just for your eyes. It was a cloudy afternoon at Moris High school, all the classrooms were filling with shouts and laughs from students as I walked to the bathroom. As I walked in, I saw a girl looking at herself in the mirror, tugging at the cubby parts of her face. What was wrong with it?
"You look pretty." I said quietly. She looked surprised as her head swung around. I nod with my arms crossed, my blue fluffy hair bouncing. "I'm Ame." She nodded and waved with a soft smile.
"Shannon." We talked for a few minutes. She was so sweet and kind, why was she so shy and nervous? Suddenly, we heard a loud bang from the hallway. We fell silent. "Was that a gun...?" She whispered, terror is her emerald green eyes. I shivered. Another bang rang out, we flinched as we heard a scream and another bang follow.
"Come on." I whispered, grabbing her hand and running into a stall with her. We stood on the toilet, pressing our backs against the walls of the stall as we both flinched with every bag that rang through the air. Tears began to stream down our faces and we shivered in fear of being shot. Shannon suddenly grabbed my hand tightly, her voice cracking with every word she forced out of her mouth.
"I don't wanna die..." She croaked, shivering as tears stained her cheeks. I breathed as I texted my parents to call the police. The door suddenly swung open and slammed shut. We both covered out mouths as we heard the stall next to ours open, then shut and lock. I breathed, my breaths shaky.
"I-I'm not the shooter, I'm just as scared." a voice said from the next stall over. His voice was shaky and full of fear, he wasn't lying. Shannon stayed silent as she continued to cry. The boy slid under the door and into our stall, blood staining his shirt as tears stained his face.
"You're shot...?" I croaked out, shaking as the tears in my eyes never stopped flowing. He turned to me and froze as he saw my wrist, covered with bloody scars. He cried and turned his head away, pressing his forehead on his arm against the wall.
"No, my brother. My brother he's..." he started, but he sat against the wall and stayed silent the rest of the time, all of us flinching at every bullet that ripped through the air. After what felt like hours, we heard a loud banging on the door. We all stayed quiet as the door swung open, a man's voice shouting out to us.
"Police! It's safe to come out!" As Shannon started to step off the toilet, I grabbed her wrist as well as the boys who'd slipped into our stall. I grabbed their wrists tightly and closed my eyes tightly, I didn't pray, I swore. They looked at me as I opened my eyes and whispered,
"That's not an officer." We all stayed silent until the man left and we didn't move. Hours later, we heard police sirens coming our way, the two next to me sighed of relief. I didn't. We all slowly left the bathroom, one at a time behind eachother. We all got outside as other students flooded out, screaming and running. The boy grabbed Shannon and my hands as we ran farther away from the school. But I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling my name.
"AME! AME! HELP ME!" I turned around and started running back to the school as police started getting out of their cars. I shoved past teachers, students, friends, enemies, police until I slammed the double doors open and saw my bestfriend running towards me down the hall. I smiled, he was alive. I began to run towards him, but a loud shot caught us off guard. He stopped moving as liquid fire pierced his back and blood dwelled up in his mouth and he fell to his knees. My breathing became heavy as tears began to stream down my face again.
"ELI!" I screamed, running to his side and sliding on my knees, holding him up but his shoulders. His eyes looked like they were begging me to let him go but to save him as well. He looked to my eyes, his Grey eyes now silver from the tears.
"I'm scared..." he muttered. I shakingly held him closer to me, I looked up to see the shooter. I'd never seen him before, but he looked shocked to see me. "I'm sacred..." Eli muttered again.
"You'll be okay." I said, holding him closely as I looked down at him with the small smile I could pull. The shooter dropped his gun as he ran in the opposite direction, but I didn't care. I cried as Eli stopped blinking. "Eli, please keep blinking. I'm sorry, don't leave me..." I was too late, but he finally said something.
"I'll see you in another time..." I finally broke and began screaming as his last breath left his lips. The police finally stormed in and began sweeping the place, trying to find the shooter as I sat there, my best friends head in my lap, and a piece of my heart missing forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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