Candied Soda Slushy

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At 1:00 PM, Luke and Annabelle arrive at the Aquamarine City and they begin to experiences the ride and places to try, they went to the gift shops and Annabelle brought him a snowglobe as a gift, they head to the colorful boat and then they went to the snack cart to eat some snacks they like. After that by 10:00 PM, some fireworks sparks behind the castle and everyone watch them in amazement while Annabelle and Luke does.

"Wow...Luke, this is so amazing that I ever had." amazed Annabelle.

"Yeah, I know," replied Luke.

At the poppy field filled with red poppies that Annabelle likes as well just like roses she likes, over the field, Luke was setting up the dinner table and two chairs, placing a candelabra on the table before he puts all of the silverware on the table just as Annabelle was approaching and Luke was excited that he was going to have a night dinner date.

"Belle." greeted Luke, waving his hand at his girlfriend.

"Luke." smiled Annabelle, Luke pulls the chair out from the table and allows her to sit on it so he goes to the chair to sit.

"Awwww. Luke..." smiled Annabelle.

"Yeah, first, the rides, the dinner date and even we can watch the movie together I guess," said Luke, just then, the scarecrow from the Aquamarine City comes forth and becomes the waiter to them.

"Hey, Mackenzie. What are you doing here?" greeted Annabelle, seeing Mackenzie and the other witches are here to ensure the dinner date.

"Ohhh, it's Valentine's Day," said Mackenzie.

"Well," said Luke, the two witches comes up to the table and serve them some paella on the plates, "Wow, that's paella," he exclaimed.

"Yep, I know." said the witch, "Come to your father's mansion for Valentine's Day party next year, it would be the best Valentine' Day ever." it turned out that after Annabelle's father, the vampire leader, Dr Aculus who was murdered by a rogue vampire named Eric Zwart but Luke was able to defeat him once and for all before Annabelle took over his place as the new vampire leader.

"Okay, thank you for helping me cope with my father's death." smiled Annabelle, gratefully and more happily.

To cope with the death of her father and follow his footsteps to take responsibility as the vampire leader, Annabelle decides to start afresh and spend her time with Luke as her true love, but also she had a dream of going to Romania where her father's ancestral castle under the care of her father's keeper and fulfill her dream of becoming her father's successor. She and Luke went to the RV and Lukes drives off to the mansion with Annabelle.

The next year, inside the mansion, the partygoers are having the Valentines' Day party together with Ace becoming the Cupid. On the table filled with a buffet of food and drinks and a bowl of juice, Annabelle walks toward the table and grabs the cup to drink just as Luke comes forth to her.

"Hey Belle, how's the party." smiled Luke.

"Yep," replied Annabelle, holding the cup in her hand. She finishes drinking the whole juice, making the cup empty instantly.

"Belle." Luke took a soda can, opened it up and pours it into Annabelle's empty cup completely, "One more thing." he pulls another packet of popping candy, opened it up and adds them to the soda cup.

"Well, thank you." smiled Annabelle, taking the sip of soda and popping candy and after she drank it whole, she sighs.

"Should we have a dance now," asked Luke, if Annabelle wants to have the Valentines' Day dance.

"Sure, I love to." accepted Annabelle, she wanted to have a dance with Luke.

"Really." chuckled Luke.

And so, Luke and Annabelle walk to the ballrooms where every couple was dancing like in the fairy tales. As they are dancing in the ballroom, Luke and Annabelle takes their dances and they proceed to dance around the ballroom during Valentines' Day party. While dancing with Luke, Annabelle begins to reminisce the day when her spirit animal manifested, she decides to run away and come across the hunters who took her and recruits her as well.

"Luke, one day, I would be a good leader for good, I will come back for you if I'm in Romania." Annabelles made a promise that she will return for Luke before she decide to travel to Romania to continue her father's legacy.

"Okay." smiled Luke, compassionately. He and Annabelle still dancing in the ballroom in a circular before they kiss.

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