Kindness and Forgiveness

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Just imagine, a girl comes home from school, puts her backpack away and just relaxes on the couch with her phone in hand playing Angry Birds, a few minutes later a text appears on her screen. When she opened it she wished she never did. She read the words over and over again letting them soak into her mind. The words said:

"You are the ugliest thing in the whole world."

"Nobody loves you."

"LOL you thought that people like you well they don't."

"Oh Gosh you should just kill yourself."

Bullying is very serious in the world today.There are countless ways to hurt or harm others: with the internet, texting, words we speak, and physical bullying. Countless numbers of people, especially the youth, are being affected negatively by this. At my own school I have witnessed three fights this year. It starts right on a social media site where one of them calls the other out, makes fun of,or they are just being plain rude. The other will retaliate and fight back because those messages have hurt them deeply.

I have been affected by bullying and it hurts more than others think. I have been spit upon, words hitting me at every corner, and evil glares staring at me. All because I am the black sheep of the school, I see things differently, and they see my happiness which those who don't have as much wish to stamp it out of me, to give in to everyone elses way. When they pick on me with their harsh words I feel like I lose a big part of me; my self confidence. As a teenage girl I see others still trying to figure out who they are and they get frustrated because the can't seem to figure it out. I was home schooled for two years and I built up great self confidence , but when I started the eighth grade this year, things went downhill fast. Others saw that I wouldn't change for the world and they started to leave me out of groups, trip me in the hallways, and gossip about me behind my back. I just have to say one thing to those girls who frequently tried to make my life a pain: I forgive you for all that you done for me I hope we can try to be friends.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, said in his talk, The Merciful Obtain Mercy," The people around us are not perfect, people do things that annoy, disappoint, and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way. Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances. Part of the purpose of mortality is to learn how to let go of such things.That is the Lord's way" We must learn to forgive, forgive others for being cruel and showing hatred towards you because you don't know what they are going through at the time. Forgiveness is vital for us because where will it get us if we were to harrow in hatred and distrust for others? It would get nowhere and we could never improve as human beings. We could be compared to the as ruthless, vicious beast which has no compassion for the weaker and only have one law, eat or be eaten. Along with forgiveness we must be kind to all. Every person has their own problems that we don't necessarily understand. Forgiving ourselves and others wasn't meant to be easy. I feel that we were giving this challenge in today's life to help strengthen us and help us learn.

Forgiveness and kindness is the solution to bullying because when you forgive them and show kindness to everyone they will start to realize that you aren't going to let their harsh words control you because you have already won the battle. I feel that the youth, ought to have more accountability in life. In fact, we have started clubs that aren't necessarily anti-bullying but, they are there to promote kindness through all.

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