chapter Two

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Welcome back. How are you my little shippers pups. I'm back again. I hope you enjoy this 😁.


Harry Potter age 8:

Harry Potter was out in the garden pulling weeds when he heard his aunt Petunia say " Freak get inside and cook us some lunch". Harry didn't answer, but he just got up and got the dirt off of him and went inside. Harry got the lunch meat, lettuce, bread, and the condiments out to make sandwiches for the Dursley. Harry never really said anything because he knew he would be punished greatly, so he stayed quiet. Other people thought he couldn't talk or didn't know how to, but that is far from it. He was really shy and he knew big words that high schoolers learn. He learned early on in life that he should adapt to his environment and blend in the background. After he finished making the Dursley their lunch he went back outside to finish weeding the garden. He knew what he was supposed to do, so it was automatic for him. When he was done with the outdoor chores he went inside to do the rest of his chores. When Vernon came home he yelled "BOY YOU BETTER START MAKING DINNER RIGHT NOW OR ELSE" so little Harry scurried off to do what he was told. Now Harry knew he wasn't like other kids. He could do things that weren't logical. Like teleport on the roof to run away from Dudley and his gang or turn the teacher's hair blue. When Harry found a hurt snake, he started to help it get better. Then one day Harry asked♤ Do you know how I can teleport and turned my teacher's hair blue Sasha?♤

The snake named Sasha said ♤ well hatchling your are a wizard♤ . Now Harry was surprised by this. He didn't think he was one and thought that he was really a freak like the Dursley's said he was. All little Harry said was ♤oh♤. After that day forward he started to practice his magic. He would get food, unlock the cupboard door, and teleport to the library or teleport books to him. He would also get water for him. Then one night his 'uncle ' was beating him again, but this time it was worse then anytime before. After the beating Sasha came and told him ♤hatchling you need to go and teleport to the goblinssss ssso they can heal you♤. All harry said was ♤but I don't want to bother them♤. Now Sasha was used to harry not think about his well being and worried about others. Much to some of her amusement it remined her of a mother. But right now was not to think about it. So Sasha went to the goblin king Ragnock. When she got there she started to write that she needed his help. Ragnock was so confused, so he asked "what is the meaning of this?" Sasha was getting frantic and started to pull Ragnock to harry's house and led him to the cupboard under the stairs. She opened the door and Ragnock was so sick and horrified at what he saw. There was harry laying in his pole of blood with words craved into him. The words 'freak, worthless, useless, unloved, unlovable, unclean, mistake, ungrateful, disgrace, burden, filth' and many more. Harry was about to die when Ragnock started to heal him and he took him from the home. When harry woke up he was in a unfamiliar place. The room he was in was a dark blood red with gold accents. There was three doors in the room. The door was a dark red cedar, as well as the bed frame. He got out of bed and went to a side door in the room. It led into a bathroom that was a dark green with accents of blood red. The sink, shower, and bathtub had gold on the rim and the handles. Harry got out of the bathroom. When got back to the bedroom he saw this person that was shorter than him. He had pointy teeth and ears. His eyes were colors of black beetles. Harry just kept looking at him for a while. Ragnock was starting to get uncomfortable with harry just staring at him. Ragnock cleared his throat and said "how are you feeling little one". Harry moved his hand in an okay motion. Ragnock was surprised that harry was very quiet, but the more he thought about it it made sense that harry was so quiet. Ragnock asked "do your relatives often beat you like that?" harry nodded his head as an answer. *so I was right about his relatives treating him like that on a daily basis* thought Ragnock. Now Ragnock had to figure something out.


Hello my little shippers pups sorry it was short but I ran out of ideas. And sorry I took so long I was busy with school and family problems. But I hoped you enjoyed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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