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~The Isle's Lost Treasure~ Cast

Name:Rose LeGume (Florian)

Parents:Belle and Beast (Gaston)

Power: She can enchant and manipulate objects and bend them to her will


When her powers started to develop Beast sent her to the Isle to live with Gaston and his son Gil

Ben starts to bring in the 5 VK's to live and study at Auradon Prep

Those VK's being Mal daughter of Maleficent, Evie daughter of the Evil Queen, Jay son of Jafar, Carlos son of Cruella DeVille, and Rose the daughter of Gaston

Best friend: Lillian Heart Queen of Hearts daughter

Personality traits: Headstrong, Book smart, Witty, Caring, Quiet

Modern au - aka not in their cringe outfits and they actually have style and phones

The cast is the same for the Vks but I took some artistic liberties with the main characters of this story.

Rose LeGume (Florian) - Hailee Steinfeld

Lillian Heart - Sadie Sink

Gaston LeGume - Tom Elis

Adam Florian - Dan Stevens

Belle Florian - Anne Hathaway

Flynn Fitzherbert - Tom Holland

Rapunzel Fitzherbert - AnnaSophia Robb

Eugene Fitzherbert - Chris Evans

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