1 - Prologue, Past before the Present

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12 years ago...

"Belle, She's getting too powerful, too dangerous."

Beast says as he paces back and forth frustration showing in his expression

"What else are we supposed to do, she's our daughter.."

Belle says looking at her husband with pleading eyes infested with guilt

"We can't just send her away! It's not right."

Belle says fear creeping into her chest at the thought of letting her daughter go.

Beast's head perks up, turning around to look at his wife.

She can see his expression as he turns to look at her.


She says as her tears threaten to spill from her eyes.

He sighs

"There is somewhere but no one will like it, especially you.."

He says averting his gaze from hers


She says dread covering her expression from the look on his face.

"She'll forget about us" she says voice breaking looking at her husband

"Maybe that's for the best" He says walking to hold his crying wife

2 hours later...

They arrived at The Barrier entrance of the Isle getting out of the limo, they quickly walked to the Barrier, Beast holding his daughter.

He handed Rose to Belle before walking to the man in front of him.

"Gaston, this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Take care of her, please? "

He said holding back tears

"Be the father she needs you to be."

Beast says looking at his daughter

"I won't promise she'll turn out all that great but, I will take care of her. I promise."

Belle sets Rose down and grabs her hand walking towards the two men

"There's the little rose herself"

Gaston says smiling down at her

Beast sighed as he knelt down to tell his daughter goodbye.

"Alright petal"

He says a tear rolling down his cheek hearing his wife silently sob

"You're going to go visit Gaston for a while.."

He says seeing the confusion on her face

"I love you for evermore.."

He hugs her gently taking in his last moments with her

Belle walks over falling into her daughter's embrace

Pulling away from the hug she looks her daughter in the eyes

"Don't let anyone steal the love I gave you..because you'll need it when you come back"

She said tears rolling down her face

Rose looks at her mother confused at the tears in her eyes

"Mommy I don't want to go! What about Benny!?"

She said stomping her feet

Belle couldn't look at her daughter's tears anymore, getting up and turning to Beast quickly burying her face into his chest

The force field opened just enough for Rose to walk through

Grabbing Gaston by the hand as she looked back at her parents

"Come on little thorn, we'll be okay.."

Gaston says, smiling down at her as the force field closes behind her

When Rose walked through the barrier a gust of wind blew through the air and suddenly she couldn't remember why she had tears rolling down her face and why her and her "dad" were walking them away from the barrier

12 years later

( Bens POV)

As I stand on a platform getting my suit tailored

My parents walk in

"How is it possible you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby"

My dad says making me roll my eyes

"Hes turning 16 dear" My mom says playfully hitting his arm

"Mom, Dad" I say finally getting the courage to tell them my plan

"I have chosen my first official proclamation"

I say as my parents look at eachother excited

Deep down i know they won't be so excited once they hear what i'm about to say

"I have decided that the kids on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance to ..." i take a deep breath before continuing

"To live here in Auradon" i finish

I can see they are shocked but i continue with the rest of my plan

"We just start with a few at first, and I know you are hesitant, but everyone deserves a second chance. Mom gave you one Dad."

"Who are their parents" My mom asks

"Cruella De Vil , Jafar , The Evil Queen, Maleficent, and Gaston"

My parents gasp at his name

Something unspoken washes over their faces

But before they can tell me no i say

"Please, their children are innocent, they deserve a fighting chance"

My mother looks at my father with what looks like hope in her eyes

"I suppose the children are innocent" my mom gives my father a slightly sad smile before giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking out on the room

I hear them say something about Gaston as they walk away, still unsure about their expressions when he was brought up.

I stand there just hoping hey can put their differences aside at least for the kids 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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