Chapter two; you again

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"Bella." the person said, coming closer revealing there face.

I gasped "it's you." I said "Brayden, it's you again."

He smirked "It's been a while hasn't it?" I starred at him blankly, why was he here in America I thought I would never see him again. "I know quite a surprise, well you see they're having another convention here in California. And so all the cube members came for another meet up."

I felt my legs get weak and I got light headed. "You're all here? As in every memeber?" I said shakily.

"Yup." he said smiling "and the great part is I get to see you again!"

"Yeah, that's great an all but I gotta go." I said turning around and walking off.

"Where are you going?" He said coming after me.


"Why?" He sounded confused.

"To get as far away from the Cube as possible."

"Aww come on you can't still hate us, we don't hate you" he said taking my hand but I pushed it away.

"Maybe you don't, but Parker and Jordan still do! And don't forget Ryan he absolutely despises me for some unknown reason!" I said not yelling but raising my voice.

"Okay Bella clam down, they don't hate you. They actually want to see you again, and for Ryan. He left the Cube."

I stopped walking "oh."

"Yeah." he said.

I don't know whether to trust him or not. What if he's lying? And I they still hate me? But I don't think Brayden would lie. He's not that type of person but what if he's changed the past two years.

"Okay, but I don't want to see them." I said and he frowned.

"Well I can't force you too see them." he said "but can I still be friends with you?" He asked.

I looked into his puppy dog eyes, I don't think he's changed. I sighed. "Alright." he did a little happy dance and I smiled "but you can't tell anyone you saw me." I said.

"Too late." he said still dancing.

"What how?"

"All of us saw you walk into Starbucks today with that guy, but you didn't seem to notice. I even texted you but you didn't reply."

I can't believe I didn't notice them, curse my obliviousness! And they all seemed to notice me, they must hate me even more now.

I frowned "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you guys."

He smiled at me "it's okay, you must have done a good job blocking us in your mind."

"My therapist actually did." His eyes got big.

"You had a therapist?"

"Yeah, after that unique goodbye we had I went home and didn't come out for two weeks. My parents tried but I wouldn't budge. They finally called a therapist and he told me to write it all down in a journal. I did so but it didn't help all that well, eventually he hypnotized me making me forget all that happened about you guys. That must have been why I didn't notice you guys." I sighed. "I was a mess."

He pulled me into a hug "you're not a mess you were just put into a rough situation"

I smiled "thanks."

"No problem." and he let go "but how did you remember me just now?"

"I'm not sure, it all just came back once I saw your face." He grinned.

"I'm glad you remembered, I would never want to forget something like that."

"Why not?"

He shrugged "Its good life experience, something that could help you in the future."

"I guess." I frowned. "I really should be going now though."

"To Switzerland?" I chuckled.

"No, home." I smiled.

"Alright I'll let you go" he said and pulled me into another hug. I like his hugs they feel nice. "Bye Bella." he said.

"Bye Brayden." I said and started walking off.

"Wait!" He shouted and ran over to me.

"What?" I asked

"Will you come to our meet up tomorrow?" He asked.

"Ummm" I didn't know what to say, If I go I would have to face Jordan and Parker at some point. "Where's it at?"

"This same park, the same as the first meet up" he said "you don't have to come if it makes you uncomfortable."

"No I'll come, just I don't want to see anyone though, just you."

He smirked "good luck with that" he pat my head and turned around "bye Bella." he waved from behind.

"Bye." I said and walked home. I can't believe I said I would go.


Double update biznatchs

My cat is looking at me evilly rn

She's plotting to murder me, I just know it.

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