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3rd person pov: 

"You don't know how to fight them." Annabeth groaned for the seventh time.

"My father is in that building!" Piper screamed in rage, her voice battling the noise of the helicopter's blades. "If you had a father to care about, you'd understand me!"

Annabeth looked down, gritting her teeth, but chose to ignore her words, which felt like a knife to her heart.

"Well, not everyone's father is that merciful to love you like yours after - after - after this!" Hazel growled, pain evident in her voice. She was never like this, but everyone knows some things change a person inside out. 

"We'll save your dad, Piper, but we need to have a way to get him out without burning everything down!" Percy spoke up. "If we can't fight them, we're committing suicide. It's just like dirt face again, one sacrifice is better that eight."

Piper knew he meant death when he said sacrifice. But how would he say that to her.

"I got it!" Annabeth suddenly said with a proud, victorious smile.

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