The Mystery Man Part 7

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   The following evening, Jamie and I returned to the club, but we didn't see Mark right away, because it was one of his shift days, so he had to be alert to make sure none of the guests became rowdy during club hours. Jamie and I grabbed a seat, then decided to order some food, and so far, everything was going well. We were about to go up on the dance floor, when I was grabbed from behind by someone.

   "So, you think you can just leave me, and think you're gonna get away with it? You've never been more sadly mistaken in your life." said a familiar voice.

   I looked back, where I could just barely see, that Eddie had entered the club, completely ignoring Jamie and I's request to leave me alone. I tried to break free of Eddie's grip, but he was just too strong for me to get away from. No matter how hard I struggled, I was stuck in his strong grip. Jamie even tried to break his grip, but even she was no match for him. However, just when Jamie and I thought we were going to get our butts handed to us, we got re-enforcements!

   I looked across the club, where I saw Mark leading the way with an entire group of security guys behind him, they weren't wasting any time making their way to us either. When they reached us, Mark was successful in breaking Eddie's grip on me, then he led me safely to the side, where a couple of the other security guys stayed beside me while Mark handled his business with Eddie.

   "We don't allow violence in this club." Mark said, "I suggest you leave the premises, or I'll have to use force to escort you out."

   Of course, when Mark said this, Eddie started laughing, thinking that fighting Mark was going to be a cake walk, but that was far from the case, because as Eddie went to swing at him, Mark waited for Eddie to get his back to him, then he got Eddie around the neck, then, in the fastest fashion I've ever seen, he locked Eddie in a rear chokehold, then walked him to the door, tossing him out of the club.

   As soon as Eddie was dealt with, Mark came back to make sure I was okay. Then Trixie came along, where I thought Mark was about to lose his job because of what he'd done, but Trixie was laughing hysterically!

   "I just love it when Mark does that move!" Trixie said, giggling.

   Trixie put Mark on assignment to stay with me during the rest of our stay at the club. She told Mark she had more than enough security on staff that they could cover the rest of the club, she just didn't want me to have anymore issues while Jamie and I were visiting. Thankfully, we never saw Eddie again for the rest of the evening, but Trixie kept Mark with me, just in case someone else got a little too rowdy with me.

   Once it was time for the club to close, Jamie and I decided to leave before everybody else, so that we could get out of the parking lot faster. Mark insisted on walking us to the car, but he wasn't too worried about Jamie, because he knew she could kick some butt if she needed to, but Mark was starting to become very protective of me, and I could sense it. Mark said he wanted us to come back to the club the next night, because there was a new guy Trixie hired, that he thought would be perfect to watch my back, on nights that Mark wasn't there.

   Jamie and I gave Mark a hug, then we got in the car, but on top of wanting us to meet this new guy he wanted us to meet, Mark said he had something he wanted to tell me. I was interested in hearing what Mark wanted to tell me, so I tried to coax it out of him before we left. Mark grinned at me, gave me a wink, then playfully shook his head no, not wanting to give away what it was.

   "You'll find out tomorrow." Mark said playfully.

   TO BE CONTINUED...............................................................................................................................

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