ii. attraction or anger?

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attraction or anger?

CHAPTER II: attraction or anger?

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( October 1994 )


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      VANYA SPENT HER FIRST DAY IN HOGWARTS ROAMING, SIGHTSEEING, AND EXPLORING. She had a curious mind, even if she wanted to deny the fact. Curious about things she didn't know and those she did. She was the silent kind of curious though. Careful to make sure no one could use anything she said against her, she kept her inquisitive thoughts to only herself.

Strolling the halls of the school she found herself lost. She didn't mind though.

      "Hello, Love." A voice nearly made her jump out of her skin as it slightly echoed. The face belonging to the voice is what made Vanya carelessly twist her face in disgust. "Oh, don't do that, you'll make me feel bad for approaching you." He neared her as she continued to walk ahead of him but his long legs carried him to her in no time.

"Good," was all she said.

      Vanya was stubborn. This was an obvious observation and fact. But so was Fred.

      He cut her off by walking directly in front of her. The girl's jaw clenched as she glared at the boy, "I'd like to bring up the events that took place yesterday."

      She walked around him causing him to sigh but follow her. "If I throw a stick, will you leave?" she spoke with a grudge evident in her tone and glare. If Fred hadn't known any better he'd say he was a little intimidated by her. Though, it made her all the more interesting.

      "Considering I'm not a dog, no."

      "I wouldn't be so sure of that. You're following me around like a lost puppy."

The ginger shrugged in agreement when he realized her words were true. They rounded a corner having the Great Hall in eyesight. Having enough of the tall boy following her, Vanya stopped dead in her tracks almost causing Fred to run into her.

"Look, you insulted me and now I don't like you, simple. We won't be friends and you haven't got a chance at being more than friends. Give up, ginger."

Fred stared down at her blankly, and for a moment Vanya thought she got through to him. But she was mistaken. He leaned down so he was centimeters away from her face and spoke with a mischievous grin, "Love, there's a first time for everything."

Her cheeks quickly heated up at the entire situation. Her brain began having a very loud conflict as her heart sped up over whether she had become extremely attracted or extremely angered at the red-headed boy who was satisfied walking away leaving her speechless.

Not being content with the irritation she was receiving from the two sides of her head, Vanya marched her and her platformed Mary Janes over to the boy. When she reached him she gripped his shoulder to turn him around and face her then took the tie around his neck into her hands. She tugged harshly at the fabric around his neck to bring him back down to her height keeping their faces close.

"Keep trying with me and you'll end up with more than just a bruised foot." She threatened the flushed boy. His wide eyes only lessened into being half-lidded as he tilted his head looking closely at her sharp features. Her cheeks were still pink so he smirked at the fact he knew he did that to her, though her cheeks were flushed her eyes still held their bright fire as she glared at him.

"Oh yeah?" He could've sworn he saw her glare falter as his words slipped off his tongue, "what else?"

Her anger or attraction, whatever she'd call it, only rose with his actions and words. She brought him closer to the point their noses almost touched, "roses on your grave." And with those final words, she let go of him and continued on to the Great Hall.

The boy stood up straight processing all that had just happened with the girl. It was now his turn to be red in the face, only with him it was almost comparable to his hair. Waiting a few moments he carried on with himself in the same direction as Vanya thinking about how she had matched his actions completely to make him pink. Though, the difference between Fred and Vanya in this situation was that Fred was completely sure what he was feeling was attraction.


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NOTE. ok to be completely on the same page, ik i said she wished she wouldve payed attention in her english language class in the last chapter but that doesn't mean she cant say full sentences, she just has a heavy accent with it and it takes her a moment to translate everything to say 🤷🏽‍♀️ she's been taught english her whole life at the institute, she just needs a sec to translate.
idk if this was necessary but i just wanted to point that out just in case 🚶🏽‍♀️

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