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My favorite little ghost.
Take a picture,
put it on your story,

Or don't.
can't really make you.

I remember the day so vividly
Your name, "Ein", popping up
on my quick add
and I'm pretty sure I had stopped adding people from there
but something about your name
really caught my eye

Maybe how it was spelled?
No that's not right
What possibly impelled me to add you?
Ugh I can't remember.
but next I knew, you added me back.
Kind of weird if you ask me.

I think it was you who texted first.
asked who I am
I didn't know how to respond.
I'm all sorts of people.
I have 15 different personalities and they're all deciding which one wanted to talk to you first.
it's as if I, myself, was excluded from the "Personalities at the round Table."

after their meeting finally ended,
they decided my 11th personality should meet you first
since it's the toughest to get through

I always had been sitting in a passenger seat
while somebody else is driving.
but for once,
you had put me in the driver's seat.
you saw me as one person
not 15
or 22
or 15000
but you saw me
as me
just 1.
Not many.

The Beginning of Something AmazingWhere stories live. Discover now