Captain Tear

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Isabella is 16
Phineas is 16
Ferb is 16
Buford is 16
Baljeet is 16
Candace 21
Takes place in the 2nd dimension!
Please enjoy

Phineas and Isabella literally thrown into a prison cell are now left with nothing. "Well that went great" Isabella said smiling. Phineas eyed her confused and she helped him up from his tumble. "So what are we gonna do? Are you gonna wrestle them? Or hack something?" Phineas rambled on about some random stuff but Isabella just rolled her eyes "um no we are gonna sit here for a second and wait" she replied leaning against the wall closing her eyes. "What but, we're captured aren't you gonna do anything" Phineas had shock in his voice. Isabella chuckled and sat there waiting for Phineas to get the idea. Phineas didn't do field work, instead he did all the tech stuff like doctor Baljeet, he just was behind the tech stuff. This was his 3 outfield mission, first being the one where he met his doppelgänger from another dimension. But unfortunately today, everybody was out even Doctor Baljeet! But Candace got scared Phineas was alone so she begged Isabella to let him come. Phineas sat down and stared at Isabella. Her red war paint on her cheeks, her dark hair almost purple now, the gloves on her wrist, but Phineas frowned when he saw all the bruises she'd gotten. After all Isabella was now basically leader, she went out for a mission 1-2 times a day every day. Isabella felt Phineas gaze "what are you staring at? You want an autograph or something?" She chuckled. Phineas' cheeks heated to the color of his hair "I-uh-um no" he stammered. After about 15 minutes of silence. Isabella stood up suddenly startling Phineas. "What?" "Come one let's get out of here" Isabella countered. She walked up to the vent and turned toward Phineas "I need a screwdriver, a wrench, and a blow torch" she stated, Phineas blinked "what makes you think I have that?" Isabella just rolled her eyes at his comment "well your Phineas!" She said as he handed her the stuff. About 5 minutes later she jumped down and hit a button. A soft beat of I love rock and roll started to play. Phineas looked at Isabella who just shrugged "what? I can't fight without a good beat" she said grabbing a Bobby pin and picking the lock. Isabella clapped to the beat and started to beat up the guards to the beat of the music. Phineas looked astonished, she built a speaker from nothing and got it to play all the way around the building because of the vent! Isabella held one of the guards collar as she grabbed Phineas wrench from her pocket using it as a microphone and sing "I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL" and threw the guard. Phineas had run over to see if he could retrieve the file the whole mission was about. Unfortunately one of the guards took a sharp stick from something that had been broken int he fight, and he pierced it through stabbing her arm, she let out a scream. And knocked out the last guard. She stared at her arm and covered it hoping nobody would notice until she got home. Phineas came back with a hardrive and they walked out of the building. Halfway back Isabellas arm suddenly jolted with pain, but she didn't want anybody to know so she held it and quickly got the attention of Phineas. "Are you alright Iz?" "Huh what why wouldn't I be" she partially barked back. Phineas shrunk at the yell in her tone. Isabella took her arm off and phineas gasped. She looked around thinking somebody was after them "what? Who's there! Did you drop the drive?" She asked still looking everywhere. Phineas shook his head and pointed at her arm, Isabella looked and saw blood gushing down her arm her sleeve torn off, and the cut looked deep. She inhaled and held her breathe. "Isabella? Your bleeding you need help!" He insisted. However Isabella flinched at the word help and started to yell once more "NO I DO NOT NEED HELP IM ISABELLA GARCIA SHAPIRO AND I CAN DO THINGS ON MY OWN I DONT NEED ANY HELP!" She screamed in his face, Phineas shrunk once more but understood that she was probably just in pain right now and wanted space. Isabella suddenly stopped walked feeling dizzy? She shook her head and kept walking back to base.

Back at base

Isabella sighed as she pinched her nose as the doctor put stitches in her cut. As the doctor finished she rolled her arms and rubbed off her war paint. "Isabella Garcia-Shapiro!" She heard the voice call, Isabella stood straight and saluted the silhouette, "yes sir?" "Welcome back" the voice softened into the normal high pitched voice of non other than their fierce leader, Candace Flynn. She hugged Isabella as tight as she could and smiled. Candace considered Isabella as the sister she never had, they'd talk about boys and make fun of them, do pull ups together, and they were closer than ever. "Thanks for watching Phineas today, and making sure he didn't get hurt," Isabella smiled "of course, I really don't mind, people make the mission new and exciting!" She beamed, Candace smiled as Isabella looked like younger Candace, "let's take a look at your cut!" Candace suddenly turned serious, "well it's not that bad!" Isabella tried to reassure but failed. "Um Isabella, 11 stitches is pretty deep, and stitches mean it's deep general!" She sighed with frustration with Isabella's "don't need help" attitude. Isabella looked down scuffed the ground "I know" was all that peeped out. "We'll take care of yourself or else! Why don't you go sparring with Gretchen?" Candace smiled when Isabella's face lit up and charged away. Isabella found Phineas sitting with Ferb talking. Suddenly feeling bad for her outburst earlier, she slowed down sighed and turned to walk toward them. "Hey guys, so Phineas sorry I kinda screamed at you earlier I don't have an excuse for that." Isabella sighed. Phineas was startled by Isabella's sudden appearance, "oh Um your alright. I mean you did have a pretty deep wound" he said blushing. Isabella leaned forward crossing her arms, her hair fell over the left side of her face, no longer seeing Ferb anymore, "well still, by the way Candace is proud of you, you did good today Flynn." She walked away with a smirk and headed to the gym to find Gretchen. Phineas blushed so hard his face was the color of his hair. Ferb started to laugh at him but Phineas shot him a death glare, "see? I told you it was bad!" Phineas hiding his face. Referring to the conversation before Isabella showed in, he was telling Ferb about how bad he was around her because of his "little" crush. "You do got it bad, but what are you gonna do about it?" Ferb answered "what do you think Ferb? A guy like me and a girl like her? Think it could work?" Phineas asked pure out of curiosity, "ya it definitely would" Ferb answered and left leaving a giddy Phineas behind. Candace walked up to Phineas and ruffled his hair "you ok kid?" Phineas shrugged sighed and said "not really, I like, like Isabella, but she obviously doesn't feel the same toward me, besides I can't even get a sentence out without me stuttering or messing up," he sighed once again, but Candace however was smiling, "how long have you liked her?" She responded smirking, taken back by how well his sister was taking this he answered "well when we fell into her base for the first time, when we met our doppelgängers, I thought she looked really pretty" he sighed smiling at the memory, Candace nudged him "well there's the girl of your dreams walking straight up to you!" She laughed, Phineas looked quickly to see Isabella headed toward them he blushed so hard and mumbled "act natural", Candace only snorted smacking her knee. "Sir, we have to talk" Isabella's voice was stern, Candace immediately stopped laughing "what is it?" Isabella shifted clearly uncomfortable "um well sir-yo-you see Um well," she stuttered, Candace became worried Isabella never EVER stuttered! "Isabella? Your scaring me, what is it!" Candace half yelled, Isabella gulped and rubbed her sweaty palms "sir I'm afraid, Captain Tear is back" Candace gasped and grabbed Phineas and Isabella's hand, who collided. Isabella gave Phineas a sympathetic look and mouthed "sorry" and began to keep up with Candace so she wouldn't be dragged. A few years ago they faced their greatest enemy, captain Tear, he assassinated 6 of their troops, he tortured 2 including Isabella, which consisted of stabbing, wolf bites, snakes, and him touching a nerve by talking about your personal life. This had scarred Isabella, he even killed her dad, she went numb and that's when she decided that she didn't need any help. If you look Isabella has a couple is scars on her back, cheek, and her leg from being tortured by him with a sword. They eventually sent him to prison but now he's escaped and Isabella has to face him again. In the emergency room Baljeet he given everybody the basics "he's out of prison and stirring up trouble, he killed 4 body guards from the Danville Gala. He's also been stealing parts to make something, something big. I'm sorry Isabella but your the strongest here, your gonna have to face him." The whole room filled with at least 200 people all turned their heads to Isabella who had her arms crossed. "Why are you sorry! I don't need anyones sympathy I can face him!" She screamed. Phineas bit his lip and turned to Isabella who looked very angry And put an arm ok Isabella's to calm her. Baljeet sighed "well ok Candace I'll send you the info" and a quick BUZZ came from Candace iPhone. "Baljeet, Buford, Isabella, Phineas, and Ferb come with me now!" Candace screamed but she had to practically drag the still scared Isabella to the meeting room. "Isabella you alright" Phineas tried to be a little distant in case she went all fire mode on him "oh ya totally! peachy!" She snapped back. "Well when you want to be honest with me you can" Phineas walked away and Isabella just blew her hair out of her eyes. Of course Phineas knew she was lying sometimes they were really close best friends other times Isabella was in a bad mood. "Isabella you're gonna be our main gal, your gonna head into the gala and bypass the security with that fighting funk you do, and head up the elevator, captain Tear will be on the lower level but the cameras are always on the top floor. The rest of us will be security guards to distract the real guards and can into places easier. So Isabella once you flirt your way past the guards you'll disable the cameras meet everybody else and we'll all head down to the bottom most floor and kick his ass any questions?" she finished. Isabella looked at her "I'm sorry flirt? Have you met me 1: I cannot flirt 2: I can't get into the gala without a date 3: i don't have a dress 4: I can't funk fight without up beat music, what makes you think I can do it with classical stupid violin music?" Everybody suddenly lost in thought not even considering this "well I can teach you to flirt" Candace said, Isabella snorted at that. "Man we are gonna be there for years!" She snorted again "and We can go SHOPPING! For dresses" Candace added which earned a glare from Isabella. "Well for the date thing why don't you take Phineas?" Buford suggested. All heads turned to Phineas then Isabella "why Phineas?" Doctor Baljeet said. "I don't know, because he can probably be our inside eye if anything goes wrong on the main floor and then join us in the elevator" Buford answered. Isabella face palmed her head and suddenly looked angry. "I can spar with her to get her to a slower beat" All the heads turned to ferb who had just suggested that. Candace nodded her head "alright team great plan! We got a bit over a week let's get to it!" She clapped her hand and everyone started to leave until Isabella yelled "don't I get a say in this! Why can't Candace fight! She's our leader besides I can be a security guard, Candace I'm sure is much stronger besides you can pass as an actual lady to the gala and not some rebel " she rambled with a quiver in her soft voice, on and on and Candace shooed everybody out and walked over to Isabella and hugged her. "I know your scared, I know this isn't easy for you, but we gotta finish this Isabella, he won't get you this time, I swear On my life he won't lay a finger on you." Candace soothed Isabella and ran her fingers down her hair as Isabella started to whimper and cry. After a few minutes Isabella shot up wiped her tears and saluted Candace. "I won't let you down sir!" Candace just took her hand and nodded her head no and lead her out. Everybody else who had their ears to the door quickly stumbled out of the way and the door swung open with Candace leading a red eyed Isabella. Phineas looked at Ferb with a worried look "she's been crying Ferb!" Ferb just shrugged in response. Phineas looked one more time as Isabella and his sister disappeared from sight. Baljeet put his hand on Phineas shoulder "you like her don't you?" Phineas jumped but looked back at the now gone girl "what no" he tried, Ferb raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything "Aw come on it's so obvious" Buford chimed in. Phineas folded his arms "it is not obvious name one time!" Everyone else looked at each other "well you blush whenever she makes a sound, you stammer around her, you stare at her, you guys are best friends, and always talk about how amazing she is" Baljeet responded, Phineas sighed giving up "ya I do, I liked her since that whole doppelgänger situation like 8 years ago." Everyone nodded "maybe she feels the same" Phineas sighed "look at her, she's a crime fighting goddess who doesn't accept failure or help, besides all I do is bypass security" he said with a shrug. Ferb placed a hand on his shoulder giving him a reassuring smile. "Thanks bro" Phineas responded, "I still can't believe you guys talked Candace into letting Isabella be my date to the Gala. MY date!" Phineas started to have a joy overload. "Man he's got it bad." Buford whispered to Baljeet who just snickered.
Candace decided to start with the dress to shape Isabella's flirty part. "So do you have any crushes?" Candace asked. This confused Isabella who shrugged "nope" Candace disappointed with this answer pressed "so do you think you'll ever get a boyfriend?" Again Isabella was confused by this sudden topic "um im not sure, maybe but to be honest who's want to take care of this mess" Isabella answered gesturing to herself, Candace shrugged "How about Phineas?" She implied Isabella stared at her "your brother? Ah I see you really want to be sisters!" She laughed Candace didn't however "I'm serious Isabella" she pressed again "honestly I don't know Candace I don't have time for that stuff" she shrugged "didn't you once tell me I had to make room for other things in my life other than pull ups?" Candace has obviously caught her. She rolled her eyes "ya ya but we gotta focus on the mission" she said. They went to 7 different stores until Candace had decided on a dress

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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