Part Seven

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It's dark.

And cold

“Where am I?” Constance says.

There was no reply

She got up and started walking. There was nothing but wet walls, and uneven ground.

Constance starts crying in the fear of never finding anything and dying.

She takes a step and there is nothing.


That is all she remembers as she shoots up from her bed. Her eyes sealed shut from dry tears and drool.

Constance was breathing so heave she could have passed off as a bear.

That was the second time she died in her dream this week. She was terrified. They say that your dreams can predict your future.

It was a weekend so Constance decided that having a friend over might help. Her not cut.

She invited her friend McKenna over, Constance has always called her Ken which McKenna hates with a passion. Cadence doesn’t care she has been calling McKenna that for much to long to change now.

That night they decided to let McKenna sleep over. After dinner they watched The Lorax, and went to bed.

“Hey Constance, are we sleeping in your room or the living room?” McKenna asked.

“My room. Now excuse me while I get my sleep wear on.”

When Constance left the room McKenna quickly started digging through Constance cupboards looking for her notebooks. She found five multi colored spiral bound notebooks, and started reading the depressingly beautiful poetry. Constance walked in before McKenna could put the books away.

“What are you doing!?!?!” Cadence yelled

“Nothing! It's nothing. I just wanted to look in your journals.”


“I'm sorry! Goodness, calm down.”

“What did you read?”

“Not much.”

“Good. Never read my poetry again.”

Constance was so scared that McKenna would see the poem implying her self harm, she would tell her parents and then her life would be over.

“Whats your problem?” McKenna asked

“My problem? Are you kidding! I'm going to bed.”

“But its only eight!”

“All you do is talk about boys and crap anyway.”

Constance Layed down facing the wall and started to tear up.

McKenna layed down next to her and touched her butt. Constance sat up

“What are you doing?” She said frightened

“Sorry it was an accident.”

Constance layed back down and McKenna touched her again. She didn’t even yell at her because if she knows McKenna she knows that she will keep denying it.

After a while Constance got really sick of it.

“Why are you doing that!”

“Well you seemed pretty stressed in your book so I thought...”

Constance scoffed and said “Well stop.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2013 ⏰

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