[iii] Classes and The Halls

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Bennett POV“Wow!! Razor is such a cool name!!” He also looks cool

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Bennett POV
“Wow!! Razor is such a cool name!!” He also looks cool. “Thanks, Bennett”
“Uppapappapapap—that’s enough if you wanna like know—hang out with my childhood friend—you gotta ask for permission,” Barbara said with a smirk. My oh my, Barbara why are you like this.

The school bell rang as it is a signal that class is going to start in a few minutes

“Bennett’s what’s your schedule? Didn’t your teacher email you?” Razor said while we are walking to the principal’s office to get my keys for my locker “Yes I did. I got chemistry for my first class in class M-4” I said while scratching the back of my head. “Oh, I’m in class M-4 but my first class is German.” “German Class? My friend Fischl studies German for something, I’m not sure why though – her first class is German too!” – “Wait a second. You have a German accent, do you speak German?” I replied to myself. “Yes. I do speak German” Razor said while looking through pictures of dogs on Pinterest

“Can you speak German??? Can you?? Right now??”
“ No “
“ Awh.. “

“Here we are, I’ll be waiting for you at lunch, seeya Benny” …Benny?!?!

   - “What does EU mean?!” Mr. Ragnvindr asked the students -- everyone but Bennett answered “Europium!!”.
      Europium, Helium, Copper, Zinc, Iron.. what does this have to do in life?
     “Bennett!!” “Huh?” *fuck* “What does H mean in the periodical table?” Mr. Diluc asked Bennett with a serious look. “Helium?” I answered. “Wrong. it’s Hydrogen, Bennett”

*I’m sure H was Helium..*
    - The students rush out of the classroom to get in the halls to gossip about some stuff
“person 1:Hey, did you know? Mr. Ragnvindr recently broke up with Ms. Gunnhildr.”
     “person 2:Really? The Chemistry Teacher and The English Teacher?”
            “person 1:Yeah”
“-other conversations- person 3: --haha! Also, did you hear about the sophomore that got hit with an eraser?”
           gossip, talking, everywhere

“Do you have the culinary skills?? If so, join the cooking club!!” said a blue-haired girl with a bear-shaped like a gouba snack.  “Have a look at the opera and drama club!” said a woman with long raven hair.   “Take a look around! You can buy some stuff here, the payment will be two sigils per item” said a woman with short brown hair and another woman with black hair that’s braided

The clubs here look boring, to be honest. I’m not planning to join most of them

- All the other classes I went to were kinda boring, to be honest – Chemistry, Biology, Calculus. But finally, it's lunch – my favorite subject of course

I see Razor sitting with Barbara, the girl with the gouba, a girl with black hair and looks intimidating, two blue-haired guys – is the other guy a girl? I don’t know, a girl with platinum hair, a blondie that looks emo, and two blondies that look like twins. More people to be friends with!!

[Razor POV] – minutes before Bennett got to his table

“Come on Razor!! Why haven’t you got your plate?” The intimidating girl asked the silver-haired guy. “Yeah, why not?” followed the culinary girl “Also, you told me to move seats – silver-haired people these days,” said the light blue-haired boy while eating his spicy chicken stew – the other girl with platinum hair gave him an angry look at him  – while the guy next to the light blue-haired guy had a mischievous grin.

As the light blue-haired boy chewed on his food, he realized that the taste of his food was spicy
After that happened, I quickly make room for Bennett who was standing right beside me, and left to get some food

[Bennett’s POV]
“*choking noises*, What the..” said the boy with the cyan hair as he was choking on the blunette’s food. The dark blue-haired guy was laughing at the cyan. “Oh, I truly apologize of oh, the betrayal of your comrade.” The blondie emo-looking girl said looking like a princess as she dips her fries in her Ketchup from McDonald’s that is labeled as “The blood of those who disrespect the one and only”. Seriously, who even uses McDonald’s Ketchup packets?

I looked at her with a confused look. Razor finally came to our table with our food.
The food that we had was burgers from Burger King and McDonald’s Fries – not gonna lie, I shouldn’t be expecting some Olive Garden some type of shit from this school that has a fancy vibe to it
-----12:35 pm
   - “I bet I can cook better food than the school cafeteria – wait, they don’t even cook the food, they order it,” says the gouba girl – I got their names a few minutes ago, by the way – The gouba girl is Xiangling, the intimidating girl that looks like a rockstar is Xinyan, the light blue-haired guy is Chongyun and the other blue-haired guy is named Xingqiu, the short platinum-haired lady is Noelle, and the edgy princess’s name is Fischl – I didn’t manage to get the other two’s names because they had early classes on the first day. But lucky them, they get to go home early

-----1:45 pm is our home time, we can finally be free. I asked Razor to meet at Starfell Park to get some Starbucks since Razor was craving their White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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