tommy who's tommy?

18 1 0

It been 3 days since I saw Wilbur and today Niki is making me go with her to her place she said the call it the pube.....

What kinda if fucking idiots decided to name a fucking house that is in the sky pube

Lm done with this shit I can already tell that there idiots with no brain there brain properly has damaged

Niki told me to go dress I did as she said

She said I have to wear clothes good clothing that doesn't show a lot of body parts I was pissed off I don't like wearing heavy CLOTHES

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She said I have to wear clothes good clothing that doesn't show a lot of body parts
I was pissed off I don't like wearing heavy CLOTHES

you have to wear them there some weirdos

Niki Niki lm not changing my life style cause of a FUCKING WEIRDO

Lm sorry Y/N you have to


You and Niki got ready

You tow start walking to the floating house Niki used some kinda of water Allevater while you decide to use ladders Niki is faster in water so she hot there first your behind her you see her drink a poting

Why you drink that?

So I can breathe in air okay Les go

You guys go in you saw Wilbur looking in some chests and there was a guy that looks old that looked like was a grandfather

On his shoulder was ....
A nother man that looks like a bug
One minute you thought it was Bird poop cause the guy was a bird

Hey guys-niki

O hey Niki:phill


I have my sister with me


O yeah sorry phill I forgot to tell you were on a ADVENTURE in the sky and in caves:Wilbur

O well : phill

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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