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You woke up at an unknow hour, you have been in the end a couple of days now, you had no track of time or how long it has been in the overworld.

Dusk and Dawn entered the room with a third figure this time. They seemed younger, with a mixture of the twins. "Miss.L/n XD likes to see you" you got up, "oh ok"

The three which you think are probably related left the room the younger skipping behind swishing his tail. You got  dressed and went down to the throne room.

It was a gigantic room around 60' tall, kinda over exagerated but oh well, in the normally empty emerald chair now sat a god.

With his black clothing covered with a green cloak embroidered with gold a hood covering the messy golden hair which has been failed to cover and was sticking out of random angles. The final touch the smile mask being cracked into an X shape hanging on his face.

Fern coloured wings spread across from the gods back with lime horns making their way up 10 feet above his head. "Hello XD" you said quietly looking up at him from your short height.

"Y/n!" He seemingly shrunk down a few, making him look like a baby in his father's chair, jumping down the ledge that could easily kill any human being. He hugged me.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" He says, "it's only been four days" you say quietly. He shrugs, "so that's long enough without my friend" he removes the mask from his face sheoibg his normal human form (which you know and love).

Giving you a dorky smile he drags you across the palace to a seemingly end garden. "What did you need?" You asked. "Well, I wanted to show you my garden the twins haven't shown you here yet!"

You rolled.your eyes at his behaviour and looked around the garden with him. "It's nice" you say "of course it is! I've been caring for it since I founded the city, that's a good 16,000 years ago!" He says.

You looked at him, "I though you founded the city ages ago, like longer than that?" You say. He shakes his head, "Ugh! Overworld rules right! Well love" he starts teleporting up to a tree perching himself there. You cringe at the nickname.

"That's in End years, like do you know how the nether works?" He asks, you nod, it's weirder in the end as an hour is a day there meaning if you have been here for what 3 days? It's has been approximately 72 ish days in the overworld" he smirks.

"Huh?! I've been missing for that long they'll think I'm dead!" You yell. XD just looks down at you, "Yes and? Like the Patreors are gonna care" you look up at him.

"Why did you bring me here anyways?" You ask. "Well after they took you they took ME in for interrogation. Forced me to show my godly self and well you can say I fled they tried asking me for power blah blah blah, i don't do that shit." He says.

"You don't?" You ask, "I do do that but only with close friends!" He teleports again showing up in front of you holding you by the hip, "like you!" He smiles. A crismon hue decides this is the best time to crawl upon your face.

"O-oh, that's nice" you stutter out. "Sooo, have you considered my offer?" You look him in the eyes, big mistake. "Uh, not really." You say trying to wiggle from his grip. He lets you go, "why not little dove?" You have never seen him act like this.

"What has gotten into you XD?" You ask pulling away. He tilts his head confused, "this is me! This is how I normally act, If you don't like it I can change!" He says grabbing your hand. "I'll think about it" you then leave him alone and go to your room.

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