Harper's Bazaar HANNY's Night Routine

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Harper's Bazaar HANNY's Night Routine

[Harper's Bazaar]

Hi! I'm HANNY and today, I'll show you my night routine. Wanna come to bed with me?

(Go To Bed With HANNY)

Okay, first of all I'm going to tie my hair up. When I wash my face, I always do a top bun. Done!


Washing my hands thoroughly with soap... first, my skin are quite dry so I think moisturizing is important to dry skin type. You know I hate the feeling of stretching when my face dry so spray some mist to prevent that happen. Today, I have full makeup, just come back from schedule and I absolutely tired now so I'm gonna take my makeup off. First I'm gonna pull of my eyes lashes off. Uh! My eyes free! I have my product on the side... Wait let me drag it here.

(Few things just drop on the floor)

Gosh! I'm sorry. My clumsy side cannot be hide. First I'll be using "Etude House Lip & Eye Remover". So it's works really well on eyeliner like mascara and those very thick products. So I'm gonna cleansing off with the remover first.

(Doing a weird dance)

Long time ago, I used to rub it and rush though the process. But you really shouldn't to that. It can really irritated the skin. So gently get it all off... Eyelashes, mascara, everything off. Honestly, removing makeup is the most annoying thing to have to do. But once you do it, it feels so good.

Omo! This is... People often asked me for tips. But I don't really have a tips. Maybe just drink a lot of water will hydrate you. I switch up my cleanser from time to time. But I used this an oil cleanser. This is "Shiseido Senka All Clear Skin". Pour on palm and rub it in. It really great cuz it's remove everything so rinsing and then wipe your face once more with moist cotton pad. During last year, my skin quite sensitive maybe due to weather change when I'm on tour so I definitely take care of my face even I'm tired as I'm gonna pass out. I don't use a towel. I mean I really try not to use it when I have the time. Just patting my skin to try it. Stay hydrated!

Due to a lot of work, I change makeup constantly and my skin are really tired right now. Put a toner first, it doesn't matter what type of toner you used as long your skin comfortable with it. Then I used "Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate". It's type of essence and I love essence.

Another essence, okay... How many step do I have? 1, 2, 3... 7? 7 steps! This is "Freihaut Oxygen O2 Concentrate". My makeup stylist um... Recommend this to me. It really good because she knows my skin very well. She said Hanny moisturizing is important but you should still put some oxygen on your face and she give me this to try and it's really good.

This is a new one I open for you. It's "Jungsaemmool essential Mool Cream". I love this product like it's my 5th or 6th I think. It's like anti-aging and prevent the wrinkles so this is the correct product. So apply on face and it's give you full of moisture. My skin was dry now it's pack with moisture so that's really good.
And this is,... The label is gone show how frequently I use it. This is "Freihaut Oxygen O2 Blue Pearls Cream". Inside it has a little tiny blue things and I guess it oxygen capsule inside. Even though it made from Germany, I don't know how I got to know this in Korea but it's awesome. Now apply it all over.

Well, I think that's it for my um... Night routine skincare. Hope you guys like it. Stay safe and healthy and hope you follow my routine as well for those who has dry skin my routine will work for sure. Hope you guys like it. I love you, bye! 

[Harper's Bazaar]

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