Chapter 12- The End

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Sorry it's been so long, tbh I'm just really lazy, and I'm not on my phone that often, but for Valentine's Day I'm forcing myself to write this so yeah, enjoy it! (even though it's not that good, and there's huge time skips because I'm lazy and unmotivated.)
Y/N Pov:
Everyone came to the final class trial- the one where we would figure out who the mastermind behind forcing us to kill each other really is, or if it's just all a game, which I'm really hoping it is. Mikan was one of my best friends, and I would do anything to see her again. Even if I have to sacrifice myself.


Good news, it is all just a game! Bad news is, I don't think I'll see Mikan again. This Junko is messed up, who designs a game like that?! Why can you not come back from death, in any normal game you could restart, but you can't. When your dead in the game, your not exactly dead in real life, just in a deep sleep you can't awaken from, kinda like a coma, from what I remeber at least. So, I guess this is it. I'm about to leave this world, to the real one.. But how happy would that make me, without Mikan there to share all my expirences with?


So yeah, that's the end. It's pretty rushed, so it's not good. I apoligize for any grammer mistakes, or if you die from second-hand embarresent throughout this book. But thanks for reading far enough to the end!

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