I'm swiping, swiping, swiping. Ohh, George? Those eyes!

22 0 0

Yep,that's a swipe right for me.

Honestly, that's enough of this bloody app for me for today

I roll over, barely coherent, opening one eye and opening my phone 'you've matched with George'.

OH MY GOD! Now i'm awake. FUCK! He's sent me a message.

George : Hi :)

Why the fuck has my heart just dropped because of someone saying Hi? Am I okay? Just reply you dumb ass.

Me : Hi :)

Yeah, well done. Reply with exactly what he put. Right stop faffing around and get yourself ready please.

Bex? Becky? BEX! I jump out my skin - Christ! You scared the shit out of me Roz.

Sorry pickle. Did you not sleep well? You seem somewhere else.

No no i'm fine, I'm still waking up babe, sorry.

Actually, little did Rosie know, that where as I slept wonderfully, I could stop thinking about this George characters eyes. I'm trying to figure out why I can't get them out of my head.

I'll be honest, I've never been one for dating. Unfortunately I find most men annoying and only ever wanting one thing. My experience has always been absolutely shite to put it bluntly.

But recently I've found myself, for lack of a better word, horny as fuck. And I've been told, tinder is the place to be for that kind of thing.

I've been an active user for two weeks now, and have only ever matched with 3 people. I'm picky I guess.

The first two were nice enough, but a little to clingy for my liking.

Now, something felt different towards George. Yes he is absolutely my type, but when I looked into those eyes that I seem to cant stop thinking about or mentioning, I felt something else.

Horny as fuck? Yes, but something a little deeper.

Finally I'm home, the traffic was a piss take! Roz (Rosie) my flatmate, was in the kitchen cooking up a storm. What an absolute babe this woman is, an incredible cook and an incredible friend.

Alright knob head? She screams from the kitchen.

Haha, yeah, sorry about this morning.

No worries, I should have known better to try and start a conversation at the crack of dawn.

I smile.

Should I tell her? Wait, what the fuck. Tell her what? Someone called George said Hi to me? - Yes, what a great idea. Idiot!

Roz whacks a bacon sandwich in front of me, a cup of tea and suggests a game of Mario Kart.

She know's me well. It's on!

I've just settled into bed, opened my phone. Oh my god he's messaged me. EEP!

George : I don't really know what to say, all I know is that I'd like to talk to you.

Me : Aw, I understand, I'm bad at this too haha. Shall we start with the normal pleasantries maybe? Lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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