part 9 chapter 3 Val what a shy girl..

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The next day

Lilla: ok Andrea l got the fake photos of Val good luck..

Andrea: thanks lilla l knew l could count on u

Andrea: hey popular girls l might have something for ya,ll to spend rumors about..

Diana: hmm? looks at Andrea away from her phone yeah what is it?

Andrea: so ya,ll know that Val girl the shy one

Heather: yeah what about her??

Andrea: l toke some photos of her doing awful things... And some things for ya,ll to spread rumors about her

Heather: finally something to talk about thanks Andrea

Andrea: your welcome..

Heather: tells everyone and shows everyone the fake photos of Val..

Val: notices everyone talking about something saids hey Hailey what's going on?

Hailey: looks at Val... with a disappointed look saids to Val mind explaining this leader? Shows Val the fake photos...

Val: huh!? b,but l wouldn't do those things where did u find this...

Hailey: l can't believe u anymore Val u lied to me so many times... and Heather found these.. in your bag..... No what! Am quitting the cooking club bye val...and we're not friends anymore... Walks out of the cooking club room

Val: w,what.... sits there...

To be continued..

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