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The constant tapping of her shoelace against the floor echoed in the small waiting room. It was the early hours of the morning, not many people were awake to fill the vacant hospital. The only occupant was the receptionist and the young girl, whose leg bounced anxiously. Her ears rang loud, her vision blurred by tears. If someone were to walk by her, they would wonder if she was even blinking. But considering her current appearance, she wasn't expecting that to be the first thing they questioned.

"Miss. Hart?" She knew someone was calling out to her, she knew she should answer, but her body was frozen in the uncomfortable chair. The cushion to the seat was worn out, leaving nothing but hard plastic to rest upon. "Willow." The voice spoke again through the haze, hoping to bring her faraway gaze back. "Sweetheart?" A gentle touch of her shoulder caused a jolt through her body, her brown eyes snapping up into the officer's. "Would you like to clean up?" Her brow barely moved in response, the officer's calm tone not registering. "They have a pair of scrubs for you to change into." Lips parting slightly, her eyes traveled down to her shaking hands, the red hue staining her tanned skin. Her jacket and pants were splattered and torn, small bits of glass still attached to the fabric. Maybe she should change, but her body made no plans to move.

"Where are they?" She whispered, her voice trembling. The officer let out a heavy breath, his hands resting on his hips. "They're still in surgery." The girl didn't acknowledge his answer, her gaze wandering farther away. "Have you been checked on, at all?"

Like a switch, her side began to ache and her wrist began to sting. The minute they were brought into the hospital, Willow begged for the two to be checked on first. She could wait. Eyes watering, she tilted her head slightly. "I'm fine." She muttered. The seat beside her creaked as he sat, his eyes piercing into the side of her head. "Willow, I need you to be honest with me."

"I am." She hissed, her eyes finding him again. "But they're not." He sighed. "I know."

"No, you don't!" Pushing from the chair, she began to pace. If it were possible, she could've ran a hole through the floor. "You weren't there, you didn't feel the car flip over. You didn't see the way their bodies were thrown around! You didn't smell the gasoline that flooded around us." The tears began to slip, her face red in anger. Letting her finish, he stood from his seat, his heart shattering at the girl's state. "They're all I have." She whispered before crumbling to the ground in sobs.

By the time the sun began to rise over the small town of Forks, both Elena and Theodore Hart took their last breath, leaving behind their only child.

"The good news is, you just sprained your wrist.  Nothing a brace can't fix. Now, for your side, the shard of glass did come close to your large intestine, however, there was no fatal damage. But you will need to take it easy, no strenuous movement. I suggest bed rest until your next check up." The Doctor's words went through one ear and out the other as Willow sat upon the hospital bed. Her hand was hooked up to an IV, her wrist and side wrapped to hide the damage from the accident. "Will she need to stay the night?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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