bakugou oneshot

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*warning fluff* 👀

theyre is no pt 2 to this oneshot

you were tossing and turning for hours and then you decided to give up and try to sneak into bakugous dorm, you sat up and started to tip toe out of your dorm and down the halls to where you'd find his dorm funnily enough his door was open a smidge you peaked inside to see him sitting down resting his face in his hands and he sighed, you accidently pushed his door open and he whipped his head around and saw you standing in his door frame waving your hand lightly, he had a shocked and irritated face and got up and quietly stormed over to you and pushed you back and closed his door, you knocked once no answer, twice no answer, just before you knocked another time he whipped his door open and let out a irritated noise and looked at you for a bit and then asked you what your deal was (or whatever idk), you said you couldnt fall asleep and he responded that he couldn't help you with that you made a annoyed face and asked him if you guys could hang out and talk until you were tired enough to be able to fall asleep, he reluctantly said yes and gestured for you to come inside you sped walk past him into his dorm and turned around to face him, he shut his door and walked past you sitting down on his bed and looked at you and gestured again this time a bit more annoyed feeling coming from him for you to sit down by him, you stood there for a second and then walked over to sit down you stared at the floor for a bit until looking at him and he already was staring at you with a look on his face almost saying he was waiting for you to start talking. you took a breath in  and did a awkward chuckle and started to talk and found it being easier by the moment as you were getting more comfortable *timeskip* you laughed and then panned your eyes to the floor and when glanced back up to his face you saw him having a small grin on his face when he noticed you were looking at him again it immediately disappeared and he tried to cover it up with a eye roll and a displeased expression while he rested his chin on his palm looking away from you, but that ended up making you laugh more and he got mad and told you to shut up cause "you were being to loud" you ignored him but shut up anyways and grinned looking away because your mind kept replaying his smile.

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