Chapter 14

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Keela's POV

I woke up to Lux banging on the door. "Keela come on we wanna get a flight home and be there before your parents" Lux said, even tough I don't think that mattered any more because they already saw me but it would be better because I would be there before them.

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up" I replied. I got out of bed, ready to start a new day but for some reason everything felt different. It felt like I was starting a new chapter in my life. I got ready really quick in some grey sweatpants and a black crop top because I wanted to be confrotable on the plane so I didn't other with  my hair, I just put in a pony tail. When I was done I quickly packed my bags and I pushed them outside into the hall, in front of the door. Aisling quickly rushed up to me.

"Come on, no time for breakfast if we want to make our plane" she quickly said but I just nodded.

"Well then come on, out the door. Lux!"Aisling screamed in the end but I just opened the door and wheeled my bags out of the place. I pressed the lift's button and waited in front of it. I looked to my left when I heard a door open and it being slammed behind the people but I realized it was just my two girls rushing out with there bags. They must have great timing because when they came the lift dinged and opened and we just got on it.

"Thanks for pressing the button Keela" Lux thanked me.

"No problem, it gets us there quicker" I said. When we got to the lobby we just walked out the door after leaving our key cards on the front desk and hoped into the limo letting the driver put our bags in the boot of the car. I just leaned back against the seat because this trip has defiantly be tiring for me considering I spend most of my time in my bed room. 

"What happens when we get home?" I asked them.

"Well your family will be back late so you can be asleep by the time they get back and Aisling and I will just listen to your dad go on and on and then get out of there as soon as possible and leave it to you when there less mad and have more time to talk about it" Lux said. 

"I guess you thought about this a lot" I said.

"Well kinda, it's the best way for everybody here" she said and I nodded.


We're now back at my home and I'm just upstairs unpacking. I'm really tired but I'm after sleeping for most f the plane ride and I really don't understand how I'm still tired. I haven't gone on my phone in awhile and I'm scared to see if my parents have tried to contact me but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have if they hadn't seen me at the kids choice awards. 

"Keela, come on you have to eat dinner" Aisling said.

"Okay coming" I replied. I hoped of my bed and ran down the stairs. I sat down at the table, in front of the bowl of pasta and tomato sauce on the table.

"Thanks" I said and started to dig into the food.

"Jesus gurl, don't turn into Niall" Lux said laughing at me, which I replied with a big smile. I think this has been the first three days of my life that hadn't have a bad moment. 

"Okay kiddo it's nearly nine, if you can do us a favor and try and go to go sleep" Aisling said and I nodded. I went up and hugged them and said goodnight. I know they are kinda treating me like a little kid but it doesn't really bother me because I've never actually seen some one to give a shit about me so it was nice.

I got into my pj's, put my phone in it's charger and tried to get some sleep.

Jenny's POV

We're just after getting of the plane and now we're in the car driving back to our house. I can't believe Keela was there! She's a super star, she has an amazing voice just like her dad. I can't believe she had to give us the award for best famous family and she is in it but not famous with us. I can't imagine how Harry is at the moment. He hasn't really talked that much since then. 

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